a complaint or disagree with another post, but please do so in a polite and constructive manner. Obscenities, personal attacks, and defamatory comments about any person, group, organization, or belief will be removed.

 Discounts offered to LBWCC students, alumni, or employees  Promotions for non-LBWCC events  Promotions by non-LBWCC organizations, including political, religious, and activist groups.

Remember your audience

Protect your privacy

Be aware that a presence in the social media world is or can easily be made available to the public at large. This includes prospective students, current students, current employers and colleagues, and peers. Consider this before publishing to ensure the post will not alienate, harm, or provoke any of these groups. On personal sites, identify your views as your own. If you identify yourself as an LBW Community College faculty or staff member online, it should be clear that the views expressed are not necessarily those of Lurleen B. Wallace Community College.

Your comments are visible to all. Never include your personal information, such as phone number, e-mail address, or other personal information in a post. If you want individual follow-up, send a message through the site to a page administrator. LBWCC’s administrators are the Public Information Officer and Director of Marketing and Development, Maggie Jones (334-881-2221), and the Director of Recruitment, Heather Owen (334-881-2282). LBWCC is not responsible for the content of any website outside of the domain. The inclusion of any non-LBWCC link, whether by a LBWCC employee or anyone posting on the site, does not imply endorsement by Lurleen B. Wallace Community College of that website. Posts by page administrators or any other comments on the site do not necessarily reflect the opinions and positions of LBWCC . It is important to understand that you are legally responsible for the comments you post .

Be accurate

Get the facts straight before posting them on social media. Review content for grammatical and spelling errors. This is especially important if posting on behalf of LBWCC in any capacity. The College will correct or remove factual errors.

Focus on LBWCC, and do not spam

Please keep your posts relevant to LBWCC and its students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Do not use this site to promote businesses, causes, or political candidates. If you are part of the LBWCC community, it is okay to post a link to your LBWCC-based group, or to invite community members to vote for you in an online contest, as long as you do not do it every week. Excessive posts will be removed.

Your commitment

By posting any comments, links, or other material on LBWCC-sponsored websites, you give LBWCC the irrevocable right to reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works from, and otherwise use your submission for any purpose in any form and on any media. You also agree that you will not post the following:

Posts by non-LBWCC organizations will be deleted .

This includes, but is not limited to:


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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