Lurleen B. Wallace Community College shall comply with federal regulations relative to return of tuition and other institutional charges for all Tuition and Fee charges for all Military Assistance Program (FTA). This policy shall be used for a student who receives Military Assistance Program (FTA) and COMPLETELY withdraws from all classes . The policy shall also be applied to those students who cease attendance in all classes but who do not completely withdraw. Lurleen B. Wallace will return any unearned aid paid by the Military Assistance Program (TA) based on the following calculations to the appropriate government entity. The return of FTA funds are based on a formula, which determines the percentage of earned aid by calculating the amount of time the student has completed for a term. The percentage completed is calculated as days attended in the in the period (based on the official withdrawal date) divided by the total days in the term. If the percentage completed exceeds 60%, the student has earned 100% of their FTA funds. If the percentage completed is 60% or less, the percentage is applied to the total FTA awarded to the student for the term and could result in the student having to repay funds. Students subject to the Federal Return policies continue to be responsible for payment of tuition and fees in accordance with the State Refund Policy. TA Funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending. Instances when a Service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, LBWCC will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in the student debt for the return of unearned TA. LBWCC will notify the student in writing informing them of the amount due to the school and why the amount is owed giving the student a day for the amount to be repaid. The student’s account will be placed on hold and the student will not be able to register or receive an official transcript until said amount is paid in full. If the student owes LBWCC funds and fails to pay by the demanded date, their record will be turned over to Williams & Fudge, Inc. for collection, then if not paid will be sent to SSS Recovery for further collections.


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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