Academic Bankruptcy

Academic bankruptcy is the removal of one to three semesters of grades from the calculation of a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA). The following apply to any request for academic bankruptcy: 1. Academic bankruptcy is initiated by a written request from the student to the Director of Admissions and Records. 2. Upon receipt of the student’s request, the college will inform the student that an award of academic bankruptcy may impact his/her financial aid status. 3. Academic bankruptcy may only be declared once and may be applied to no more than three (3) semesters, which do not have to be consecutive. 4. The bankrupted courses and grades remain on the transcript but are not calculated in the student’s cumulative GPA. 5. None of the coursework taken during a semester for which academic bankruptcy is declared, including hours completed satisfactorily, will be used to fulfill degree requirements. 6. Developmental courses successfully completed during a period of academic bankruptcy can be used to fulfill prerequisites. 7. To be eligible for academic bankruptcy, the student must have completed 12 semester credit hours of coursework at the college since the most recent semester for which the academic bankruptcy is requested a grade of “C”, “S”, or higher is required in ea ch course in 12 semester credit hours in the post-bankruptcy period. 8. When a student receives a declaration of academic bankruptcy, a permanent notation of “ACADEMIC BANKRUPTCY’ will be reflected on the transcript for the semester affected. 9. Approval of the academic bankruptcy status at a college does not guarantee other institutions will honor that status. This determination will be made by the respective transfer institution(s).

Academic Year

The academic year is divided into three terms: fall semester, spring semester, and summer semester.

Attendance Policy

Class attendance is considered an essential part of the educational process at Lurleen B. Wallace Community College. The College subscribes to the philosophy that academic success derived by students is dependent on class participation. Students are expected to punctually attend all classes in which they are registered. Attendance will be verified as required by federal and state regulations. According to Alabama Community College System policy guidelines, class attendance may not be used as a factor in determining a student’s course grade. However, instructors may require student participation in specific activities in the classroom or laboratory. Failure to participate in these activities may result in a “0” grade for those particular activities.


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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