1. Each instructor should discuss attendance policies during the first class meeting, and each course syllabus must include information pertaining to each of the following items a. through e. viii. a. If administrative withdrawal is to be used, the number of absences allowed for the class. b. Handling of late arrivals and early departures. i. Instructors may not prevent students from entering the classroom after class has started. However, the instructor may implement a policy that requires tardy students to enter the classroom quietly to prevent interruption of any lecture or activity in progress. In such occasions, the instructor is not obligated to repeat information already provided to the class. ii. If a test is in progress, it is the instructor’s discretion whether to allow that student to participate in the test. If any student has already completed the test and left the classroom, it is recommended that the instructor not allow the tardy student to take the test. Each instructor documents the policy for makeup work in the syllabus for each class. ii. If the examination schedule for any course contains a minimal number of exams (e.g. three or less), it is recommended that the instructor consider a makeup opportunity since failure to attend a class may have a significant impact on the final grade. d. Students on financial aid programs are responsible for knowing attendance requirements of their programs. Those students must contact the Financial Aid Office to receive information regarding attendance requirements. c. Policy for course makeup work, if allowed. i. e. Students are responsible for the knowledge, skills, and abilities not acquired due to absences and for assignments made or due from the first day of the class. i. Students are expected to attend each class session, to arrive on time, and to remain for the entire class session. ii. Faculty will verify attendance as required by federal and state regulations. iii. Excessive absences, regardless of the reason or circumstance, may interfere with the student’s ability to successfully complete the requirements of the course. iv. In such cases, the student should withdraw from the class before the last day to with draw with a grade of “W.” Withdrawal from class may affect eligibility for federal financial aid. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for information. v. When a student is absent from class, the student is responsible for all material covered in the class and for any assignments made in class.


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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