d. An absence shall be excused due to college sponsored activities or extenuating circumstances . College sponsored activities include approved schedules for college teams, performing arts groups, field trips, and ambassadors. Excused absences are subject to verification and may include but may not be limited to the following: i. Active military duty ii. Jury duty/court appearance iii. Illness of student or illness/death in the immediate family- This includes husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, or an individual with a close personal tie to the student. For purposes of application of this policy, an individual with a close personal tie to the student is limited to the following: a person standing in loco parentis ; where unusually strong personal ties exist due to a student having been supported or educated by a person; father-in-law; mother-in-law; son-in- law; daughter-in-law; brother-in-law; sister-in-law; nephew; niece; grandson; granddaughter; grandfather; grandmother; uncle; aunt. e. Absences that occur because of emergencies may be excused with proper notification to the instructor. Proper notification requires documentation as determined by the instructor. Recommended examples include copy of accident report, hospital admittance form, doctor’s excuse, death announcement, or notification to the instructor by the student prior to the class that is missed where the circumstances discussed during that notification are deemed acceptable by the instructor. Such notifications may be by the student or appropriate representative of the student considering the circumstances involved (doctor, lawyer, hospital official, parent, spouse, etc.). f. When excused absences make it impossible to reasonably make up class work, the instructor may assign an “ I ” grade in accordance with the College’s Grading System Policy in the college catalog, or the student may withdraw according to the College’s withdrawal policy. Attendance requirements in programs that lead to board licensure or certification may differ from this policy. Students, who have been administratively withdrawn for failure to attend and wish to be readmitted into the class, must submit, in writing, an appeal to the course faculty member.  The faculty member will evaluate the appeal for extenuating circumstances and will notify the student within five working days as to the outcome of the appeal. Once a written appeal is received by the faculty member, the student is allowed to return to class until the faculty member has decided on the appeal.  If a student is to be allowed to return to class, the faculty member must submit a request to the Director of Admissions and Records for the student to be re- enrolled.

5. Appeal Process: 


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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