 If a student’s appeal is denied, the instructor must inform the student of the Academic Appeal Policy in the college catalog.

6. Hybrid and On-line course syllabi are required to contain the same attendance guidelines as other courses.

Attendance – Nursing Students

The College requires strict attendance of Nursing students enrolled in the Practical Nursing and Associate Degree Nursing Mobility Programs. Arrangements for make-up assignments must be made with the Nursing Division Chair for all hours absent beyond the allowed absences during the length of the program. Students in the Practical Nursing Program are only allowed to miss 35 hours throughout the duration of the program. Students in the Associate Degree Nursing Mobility Program are only allowed to miss 25 hours during the course of the program. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to let students know about missed work or missed assignments. Students are responsible for preparing all assignme nts for the next day’s class and for completing missed work. Clinical courses have individual attendance policies, but any hours missed are part of the cumulative total.

Course Forgiveness

If a student repeats a course, the last grade awarded (excluding grade of W) replaces the previous grade in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The grade point average during the term in which the course was first attempted will not be affected. When a course is repeated more than once, all grades for the course, excluding the first grade, will be used in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. Official records at the institution will list each course in which a student has enrolled. It is the student’s responsibility to request the forgiveness policy be implemented. Students should check with the Director of Admissions and Records. Exception: Students receiving Veteran’s benefits will have all courses attempted used in determining the overall grade point average. Students receiving Veteran’s benefits may not retake a course in which they have received a grade of C or better.

Course Loads

The student course load for a full-time student is twelve (12) to nineteen (19) credit hours per semester. Credit hours above nineteen (19) will constitute a student overload. Course overload must be authorized by the Dean of Instruction or the Dean of Student Affairs. No student will be approved for more than twenty-four (24) credit hours for any reason.

Class Schedule Changes

A student may drop or add a course during the official Drop/Add period. Students must contact the admissions office in order to drop their last class by emailing The official


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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