The General Education Core for Associate in Applied Science Degree:

Area I: Written Composition I and II............................................................... 3 – 6 Credit Hours  Must complete ENG 101.

Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts.................................................................. 3 – 6 Credit Hours  LBWCC required completion of 3 semester hours in Speech (SPH 106) unless provisions for addressing Oral Communication Competencies represent an integral module in a required discipline-specific course.  Must complete 3 hours in humanities and fine arts. Choose from ART 100, HUM 101, HUM 102, IDS 102, MUS 101, REL 100, REL 151,REL 152, THR 120, THR 126 Area III: Natural Science and Mathematics.................................................. 6 – 11 Credit Hours  Must complete a minimum of 3 semester hours in mathematics. Choose from MTH course prescribed by program ........................................ 3-4  Choose one course from BIO, CHM, CIS, PHS, PHY, or additional mathematics course. Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences........................................... 3 – 6 Credit Hours  Choose from HIS 101, HIS 102, HIS 201, HIS 202; ECO 231, ECO 232; GEO 100; POL 211; PSY 200, PSY 210; SOC 200, SPH 116

Areas I – IV General Education Requirements ............................................. 15 – 29 Credit Hours

Area V: Technical Core, Technical Concentration, and Electives ................................................ .................................................................................................................. 31 – 61 Credit Hours  Must complete 1 semester hour in Orientation (ORI 101)*  Must complete CIS 146 Microcomputer Applications  Courses appropriate to the degree requirements, occupational or technical specialty requirements, core courses, and electives

* Orientation will be waived for students who have earned an Associate Degree or higher.

Students planning programs of study for which the AAS does not represent the terminal degree, and for which national or regional programmatic licensure and certification are required, should be encouraged to integrate the General Studies transfer courses whenever possible. Please see Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree requirements regarding required course sequences or Area III Choice Restrictions.


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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