Choose 3 semester hours in History: HIS101, HIS102, HIS201, HIS202 Choose 6 semester hours in Social or Behavioral Sciences: ECO231, 232; GEO100; PSY200, 210; SOC200; POL211; SPH116 Remaining semester hours to be selected from History, Social, or Behavioral Sciences:

















ECO231, 232; GEO100; PSY200, 210; SOC200; POL211; SPH116 or History course to complete a History sequence

* All engineering majors may reduce Area II credit hours from 12 to 9 and reduce Area IV credit hours from 12 to 9 to allow 6 credit hours to be added to Area V for required math and science courses taken prior to transfer. Check STARS guide for university requirements. AREA V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses (19- 23 hours total). Engineering majors may take up to 29 hours in Area V. CIS146 – Microcomputer Applications ORI101 – Orientation Check your STARS Guide and see list of electives following this chart.





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Elective ____________________________ Elective ____________________________ Elective ____________________________ Elective ____________________________ Elective ____________________________

Total Hours Required for Degree Students may transfer 60 to 64 hours to a senior institution. Electives should be from the AGSC approved course listing. See for more information. Engineering Majors should check with advisor from Math/Science Division regarding required credit hours in Area II, Area IV or Area V.


Area V: Elective courses - Courses not taken in Areas II, III, and IV above may be used as an elective if not already taken. Other courses listed below will also meet elective requirements of the LBWCC Associate in Science Degree; however, you must check your STARS guide in order to choose electives that meet university Area V requirements for transfer. Courses with an asterisk require a prerequisite. Courses may not be offered every term. ART 101, ART113, *Art 114, ART 121, *ART122, *ART127, ART 222, *ART233; BIO 120, BIO201, *BIO202, *BIO220; BUS 241, BUS 242, BUS 263,BUS 271, BUS 298; CHM 104, *CHM111, *CHM112, *CHM221, *CHM222; CIS 146, CIS147, CIS251; DNC111, *DNC112, *DNC121; *DNC 122; DNC 144; *DNC 144, DNC 160, *DNC 161, *DNC 234, *DNC 243, *DNC 244; ECO 231, ECO232; *ENG251; *ENG252; *ENG261; *ENG262, *ENG 271; *ENG272; GEO 100; HED 224; HIS 101, HIS 102, HIS 201, HIS 202, HIS 256; HUM 101; HUM 102; HUM 299-01; HUM 299-02; HUM 299-03; IDS102; MTH 100, *MTH110; *MTH 112, *MTH113, *MTH125, *MTH126, *MTH227, *MTH231, *MTH232,*MTH238: MUS 101, *MUS111, *MUS112, *MUS211, *MUS212; MUL 111-112; Class Voice I, II, III, IV; MUL 170 (vocal); MUL171 (Instruments), MUL *172-173, *272-273 (musical theatre workshop),* MUL Music Ensembles, MUL 182-83, (Vocal Ensemble; MUL 184-185, 284-285 (Jazz Show Choir), MUL196-197, 296-297 Jazz/Show Band, MUP Individual Performance Instruction: *MUP 101, *MUP102; *MUP201, *MUP 202; *MUP111, *MUP112; *MUP211, *MUP212; ORI101, PED103, PED104, PED 118, *PED119; PED 171, PED 188, *PED248, *PED249; *PED252, *PED254, *PED 258, *PED261, PED 265 *PED266, *PED267, *PED271, *PED 283; PHS111, *PHS112; *PHY 201, *PHY 202, *PHY 213, *PHY 214; POL211; PSY 200, PSY 210; REL100, REL 151, REL152; SOC200; SPH106, SPH107, SPH116, THR120, THR 126.


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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