SHINE 2023

SHINE: What makes OSS unique? Eli: Not a lot of kids, smaller classes. James: One-on-one instruction, get help if needed.

Alliyah: T he environment. Everyone that comes here to talk to us is interested in us. Maya: It’s like a family. Everyone cares for each other. Even when we “fight”, we have each other’s back. Dammia: Students have a say in their improvement. SHINE: Why did you come to OSS? Dammia: To recover credits and graduate. James: My mother sent me here. It didn’t work out at other schools. I had problems. Alliyah: I didn’t stay in my seat. There were too many people, and I had anxiety. Maya: Couldn’t stay at school all day. Would leave as soon as I was dropped off. Then would go home . Eli: I was fighting. I was always in trouble, getting kicked out. SHINE: How has OSS helped you? Alliyah: Helped me earn the credits I need for graduation. I am a mother, and my children push me to do better. Dammia: OSS has surrounded me with positive people. Maya: I can do anything I put my mind to. Eli: OSS has helped me grow as a person. They helped me take a step back and look at my life to make changes. OSS is helping me to become an adult. James: Helped me calm down, matured me. SHINE: What do you want to do after high school? Maya: Go to college to become a psychiatric nurse. Eli: This summer work at CNC Surveying, then go to college to become a mechanic. Dammia: Go to METRO to become a mental health professional. James: Attend college then become famous on all social media platforms as an influencer. Alliyah: Attend college then become a franchise owner. SHINE: If we put a billboard up to advertise the Street School, what would it say? Maya: Where to go if you want a second chance at education Eli: Omaha Street School—more opportunities James: Get Education—Omaha Street School Alliyahi: Omaha Street School, somebody cares Dammia: To get a fresh start, you need a fresh outlook SHINE: What is the one obstacle in your life that would keep you from success? Eli: ME, I’m the only obstacle. James: Myself. Alliyah: Negativity. Maya: My thoughts. Dammia: Time management. SHINE: Why should individuals support the school financially? James: To give more opportunities to the students. Dammia: If a student has a vision, the staff helps to achieve their vision. Alliyah: We are not supported by the government. Maya: So the staff can get paid. Eli: We are a family, and it gets kids off the street.








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