PhysiotherapyCenterLTD | Get Back in the Game!


Sports injury is a term that can describe any injury sustained while exercising or performing an athletic activity. The two most common ways in which sports injuries can occur are: 1. Acute trauma: A sudden event such as a football player colliding with another, or a non-contact injury like a sudden change in direction or an awkward landing. 2. Repetitive/overuse injuries: Chronic issues that start from faulty throwing techniques, improper grip on a tennis racquet, or running in ill-fitted shoes. Simply put, anything that results in pain while performing physical activity can be considered a sports injury. ACUTE INJURIES ARE CAUSED BY A SINGLE SPECIFIC INCIDENT, SUCH AS: • Sprains: injuries to ligaments • Strains: injuries to muscles • Fractures: injuries to bones • Tears: injuries to any soft tissue, including muscle, tendon, ligament, and cartilage

injury. Our physiotherapists are experts in sports rehab. They will conduct a thorough assessment to determine the injury’s severity and identify any other weaknesses or limitations that may affect your recovery. In addition, we will conduct a thorough history to understand more about your training schedule, the demands on your body, and your overall health status. We will use this information to develop a comprehensive program that includes targeted manual techniques, mobility work, strengthening, and appropriate pain relief techniques. Next, your therapist will create a targeted, individualized care plan to promote accelerated recovery and future injury prevention. We will incorporate sport-specific treatments with a “return to sport” progression to assist you in a safe return to training and competition. Each therapy program will include injury prevention strategies that focus on progressing your strength and dynamic stability to restore your function and prevent injuries. We will also incorporate balance and coordination exercises to stimulate the nervous system and help you change directions and land correctly to avoid a future injury. The overall goals of physiotherapy are a safe return to training/ competition and minimizing re-injury upon your return to the sport you love! CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT WITH ONE OF OUR SPECIALISTS.


• Tendonitis • Bursitis • Shin splints • Tennis elbow • Runner’s knee

Whether you rolled your ankle on the soccer field, swung your bat too aggressively on the baseball diamond, or strained your back while hiking your favorite trail, The Physiotherapy Center LTD. can help you find relief!


Your treatment plan will be dependent upon the nature of your injury, your health history, and whether or not the injury requires surgical intervention. If you’ve sustained a sports injury, rehabilitation should start immediately to ensure the fastest recovery possible. We will start with an injury evaluation and a biomechanical assessment to identify all the factors contributing to your

Call Today: (345) 943-8700

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