King's Business - 1949-11

happy in a cage as the canary is happy. So in our lives, unless Christ dwells in the heart, unless the Holy Spirit is on the throne of the soul, we shall not re­ veal any evidence of the presence of these heavenly persons. “ By their fruits ye shall know them.” Those Who Appear Outwardly to Be AH Right 2 Cor. 11:13 We can never judge by the appear­ ance. We cannot tell by the sound of the horn how much gasoline is in the tank. Some who make a loud profession live horrible lives. Some who come to us with smooth words, trite sayings, and a gracious personality may hold the most wicked doctrines and have the faith of demons. Christ alone and the ministry of the Holy Spirit enables one to be on the outside what God has made him to be on the inside. Those Who Seem to Teach Right Doctrine Mark 13:22 Some of the most popular religions which are utterly false present to the public beautiful words, wonderful plati­ tudes, quotations from Scripture and very pleasing deductions, but their doc­ trine is the doctrine of demons dressed up in Scripture clothes to make it ap­ pear orthodox and true. Their messages are largely concerned with human con­ duct and human improvement, with no place for the blood or the sacrifice or sin or judgment. Those Who Bring Blessing In this passage of Scripture four men are brought to our attention. Their names are given. In regard to their in­ fluence Paul said, “ These only . . . have been a comfort to me.” The word for comfort is paregoria from which we de­ rive the word paregoric. Paul is telling us that these men stopped the pain of his heart and made him happy and com­ fortable. These four men were saved and therefore they could be a blessing to Paul. What they were within was mani­ fested by what they did without. Those Who Are Necessary 1 Cor. 12:22 Many of God’s people have Christ dwelling in their hearts but are not known outside their own small circle. What they are in their souls makes them a blessing in what they do. Their inner motives are seen in outward acts though they may serve in a very restricted area and be obscure members of society. All of them are essential to the service of the King. None are despised by Him for they add something to the blessing of the church and to the glory of Christ. to Others Col. 4:7-11

the message of Paul. Though a prisoner in jail, Paul’s spirit was free to tell the story of Christ Jesus. Circumstances need not alter our testimony. The name means “a lily.” This beau­ tiful woman was called to be a minister to the Lord Jesus as He traveled about on the dirty roads. Her name is men­ tioned only once but it is mentioned, and the whole world knows that there was a fair woman who left everything to follow the Saviour and to see that His needs and wants were fully met. She with the other women joined in supply­ ing comforts for the weary one of Naz­ areth. She gave her all for her Lord and received honorable mention in His Word. Phebe Rom. 16:1 Her name means “ radiant.” She was called to be a servant of others. The character of that service is not men­ tioned. Evidently she did whatever need­ ed to he done. No work for her Lord was too menial for her devoted heart and hand. She loved God’s people, God’s house, and God’s service. She saw that the weary one was refreshed and the hungry one fed and the needy one sup­ plied. She, too, is recorded in the eter­ nal annals. Bernice Acts 25:13, 23; 26:30 Her name means “ I give victory.” Three times her name appears but with no information nor description. Her life was too horrible' to describe. Her hus­ band was her own full blood brother. She had already married two other men and left them. Now she was married to her own brother and was an enemy of God. No doubt, it was because Bernice was there that Agrippa refused' Paul’s Lord and Christ. What is standing in your way? Priscilla Acts 18:26 Her name means “ old fashioned sim­ plicity.” She was called to be a teacher. She did it well. She had a willing stu­ dent in Apollos who was ready to learn from her and her husband the ways of the Lord more fully. She was hospitable and kind for she took Paul into her house. She was attentive and observant for she took Apollos to teach. She was ready to help the business man or the preacher and she knew her Lord so she could teach thoroughly. The Lord in­ crease her number. December 18, 1949 The Christmas Tree Bears Fruit Matt. 7:15-20 It is evident that the inner nature pro­ duces the outer fruit. Throughout the Scripture this fact is self-evident. Na­ ture also supports this axiom. No one expects a lion to be willing to have his great strength harnessed to a plow. But the elephant is quite willing to be har­ nessed. No one expects the eagle to be Susanna Luke 8:3


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