King's Business - 1949-11


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Pointers on the Lesson, H om er A . K e n t , T h .D. Helps for the Children, A l l iso n A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

Dec. 4, 1949 PROPHETS FALSE AND TRUE Jer. 23:16,21-32

The Words of the False Prophets vv. 25-27 The words of the false prophets are “lies” (v. 25). The worst of this is that these prophets do all their nefarious business in the Lord’s name. They claim that they have received a special revela­ tion from heaven in the form of dreams. Their work is that of “deceit” (v. 25), which is just another way of indicating their lying nature. The end in view of these evil workers is to get people to “forget” the true God. Ofttimes the emis­ saries of Satan use very pious language, they pose as angels of light (2 Cor. 11:13-15); they appear as wolves in sheep’s clothing. Thus we need to exer­ cise extreme care lest at any time we be taken off guard and deceived by their honeyed words of unbelief. The Difference Between the False and the True vv. 28-32 The words of false prophets are like “ chaff” (v. 28), of the true like “ wheat” (v. 28). The words of false prophets are deceit (vv. 30, 31), of the true like “ fire” and like a “ hammer” (v. 29). The words of the false prophets are only “ dreams,” “lies,” “lightness” (v. 32). We know that the prophets of God speak the very opposite of these things, namely: reality, truth, that which is foundational.

Pointers on the Lesson We are exhorted in the Word of God to discriminate between false and true prophets. “ Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). The purport of the lesson this week is to show the difference between false and true prophets so that we may be on our guard against the teachings and in­ sinuations of those who speak that which is at variance with God’s truth. The Nature of False Prophets v. 16 The false prophets make their follow­ ers “vain,” that is, they turn their hearts away from the worship of the only true God unto false gods. They speak their own message, not God’s. They have ideas of their own and seek by all sorts of devices to get these ideas photographed upon the minds of their hearers. There is nothing from heaven in their message. The Origin of the False Prophets vv. 21-24 God has no part in sending forth false prophets; He does not give them their message. But though He has not sent them they are often found “ running” in every possible direction and place to de­ clare their falsehoods. Often Satan’s em­ issaries are very energetic in the prop­ agation of their false doctrines which is sometimes mistaken for divine activity. But the fact that false prophets do not produce right fruit indicates their evil origin. They are from beneath, not from above. God in heaven is not so far re­ moved (v. 23) that He does not know the nature of these evil activities on earth; he is omnipresent, and nothing is hidden from His sight.

Helps for the Children A Good Prophet Cares Jer. 23:1-4; 28:5-9

Memory Verse: “He that hath my word, let him' speak my word faithfully” (Jer. 23:28). During the years when Jeremiah was God’s prophet to the Jewish people, a false prophet, Hananiah, arose. Hana- niah spoke to Jeremiah one day in the house of the Lord in the presence of the priests and the people, saying that the T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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