King's Business - 1949-11

of love and others who obeyed out of fear. Jeremiah, through the Holy Spirit, told of a wonderful day in the future when God would write His laws upon the hearts of the people. Then men and women and children will no longer be asking others to know their God, for all shall know Him, from the least unto the greatest. God will forgive their iniquity and will remember their sin no more. The great God who created the world made this promise and it cannot be broken. Parents, friends, and most of all, the Lord, are happy when you quickly and cheerfully obey the laws and the rules that they have made for your health and safety and happiness. If you have complained about rules and have longed for the day when you will be old enough to do as you please, pray that love, rather than fear, will guide your obedi­ ence. You will discover, then, the joy of serving the Lord and others. Jeremiah himself never went into the land of captivity; he remained in Judah to minister to those who were left in the land. However, through correspond­ ence he still had a ministry to the cap­ tives in Babylon. The chapter before us today shows the content of a letter which he sent to those in Babylon, which was sent by the hand of a trusted servant. It contained practical counsel as to how those in captivity should act during their bondage. There are lessons in this pas­ sage for believers today who find them­ selves hampered by circumstances that curtail their liberty. The Time of the Message v. 1 The message was delivered following the first deportation of captives to Babylon. It was after King Jeconiah was taken captive along with others mentioned in verse 2. The teacher should read Second Kings 24:10-16 for a fuller account. This was in 598 B.C. The com­ plete captivity of Judah did not take place until some eleven years later, about 587 B.C. (Compare 2 Kings 25:1-7). Thus it was near the beginning of their captivity that this much-needed message came. The Recipients of the Message v. 4 Jeremiah wrote to those whom the Lord had “ caused to be carried away captive.” They needed to realize this; if they did, it would help them to take the right attitude. Whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth. Read Hebrews 12:5-12. If the child of God accepts the fact that God sends chastisement to His wayward ones, he will seek to have God’s purpose in the chastisement fulfilled in his life. He will not despise God’s punishments. N O V E M B E R , 1 9 4 9 Dec. 18, 1949 GOD AVAILABLE TO ALL MEN Jer. 29:1, 4-14; 31:3 Pointers on the Lesson

BIBLE QU IZ (Continued from Page lb )

1. Meekness ............................... Moses 2. Doubt ................................. Thomas 3. Deceit ................................... Delilah 4. Dishonesty ......................... Ananias 5. Eagerness ....................... Zacchaeus 6. Stubbornness ......................... Jonah 7. Penitence ............................... David 8. Impetuousness ....................... Peter 9. Disobedience ............................. Saul 10. Bravery ................................. Daniel V ^ W A W V W .W .W .V .V .W .W .V .V .W .V A W ^ V V .W A S V W W V W l , 9 o/ntnotwottlwotall lìutnleAccet \ / I * J

/~|~‘ hanksgiving brings to memory the endless stream of -JLblessing and lovingkindness which the Lord has show­ ered upon us as Christians. Like Jacob of old we are compelled to cry out, “I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant”. Is there any better way of showing our gratitude to the Lord than by helping to show forth His love to His people Israel, still suffering and travailing in many parts of the world, and everywhere in need of the Saviour? T he F riends O f I srael M issionary and R e ­ lief S ociety , I nc ., proclaims the love of Christ to the teeming masses of Israel, and ministers to them in Germany, Poland, Belgium, England, France and the United States, as well as in the newly created State of Israel. Will you help us make Him known to His own brethren? Your fellowship of prayer and sacrifice is urgently seeded«

The FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MISSIONARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY, Inc. 728-K Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia 7, Pa. President Treasurer General Secretary Joseph M. Steele Dr. Joseph T. Britan Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer for Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar, B.A., B.D., 1066 Avenue Road, Toronto 12, Ontario, Canada Read “ They Looked for a City” by Mrs. Lydia Buksbazen, the epic and thrilling: story of a Hebrew Christian family, in the excellent missionary magrazine, ISRAEL MY GLORY, sent to all contributors. w m w v A V A W v ^ w v m v A ' A m m v . w W i W w . ' W v We Cannot Keep S I L E N T One of the ministries of THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES is to “ earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Consequently we cannot keep silent and permit the nation­ wide advertisements of the Roman Catholic Knights of Columbus to remain unchallenged. Early this winter four articles written by DR. J. B. ROWELL, pastor of the Central Baptist Church, Victoria, B. C., will appear in THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES. Quoting Roman Catholic writers, and con­ trasting them with Scripture, Dr. Rowell will expose some of the basic errors and heresies of the Romanist system. His subjects are as follows: “ PAPAL SUPREMACY,” “ PAPAL INFALLIBILITY,” “ PAPAL JURIS­ DICTION,” “ THE POPE AND THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM.” Christians should know the facts and be ready to counteract the false claims of Romanism. If you desire to be a witnessing Christian, know these dogmas which draw people away from salvation by grace. A special 22-weeks subscription at $1 (if in Canada $1.10) will bring you this series in the TIMES. Just fill in the coupon below and mail to: The Sunday School Times. Dept. SK, 325 N. Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia 5, Pa. Please enter my subscription for 22 weeks. Enclosed find $1.00. (In Canada $1.10) Name ........................... ....................................................................................................

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