King's Business - 1949-11


The Content of the Message vv. 5-14

Instead of rebelling against the pur­ pose of God in their captivity or trying to effect a deliverance before the ap­ pointed time, they were to settle down to normal living in the land of their cap­ tivity and try to be a blessing there (w . 5-7). They were to “ seek the peace of the city” where they dwelt. They were to “pray unto the Lord for it.” This reminds us of the duty of Chris­ tians in, this dispensation to the govern­ ments under which they live. See First Peter 2:11-17 and First Timothy 2:1-4. “ The powers that he are ordained of God” and believers are to be like salt helping to preserve the whole social and political system from corruption. Let us therefore render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. There was also a note of warning in Jeremiah’s letter. The Jews needed to beware of false prophets who would tell them this and that concerning the purpose and end of their captivity (w . 8-10). God had definitely declared that the captivity would be for seventy years. Any prophet who questioned God’s wis­ dom and claimed a shorter period was false. This principle is always true. Then in this letter is a note of assurance as well (w.11-14). God loves His children; He plans only what is best for them. When they seek His face in harmony with His revelation and plan, they will surely find Him (v.13). Helps for the Children Before Jesus Came Isaiah 7; Luke 1 Memory Verse: “Thou . . . shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest” (Luke 1:31,32). For many hundreds of years, the Jew­ ish people waited for the coming of the Deliverer, the King, the Messiah who would bring to them salvation and peace. From the third chapter of Genesis on through the Old Testament, God gave them dozens of promises of this Re­ deemer. Many of the prophecies con­ cerning Him described definite details of His birth and life and death. Isaiah said that God would give His people a sign o f the coming of the Mes­ siah: “A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Jeremiah told God’s people why He was planning to send the Messiah to them: “ I have loved thee with an ever­ lasting love.” God’s love caused Him to give His only Son to redeem all who would accept Him as their personal Saviour. The Israelites were constantly return­ ing to their sinful ways. At last, God stopped sending prophets to bring His message to them. For four hundred years, God’s Word is silent concerning His chosen people. At last, to the lovely virgin, Mary, came the promise that the Holy Spirit would cause her to become the mother of the long expected Messiah. Every Jewish woman had hoped that she T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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Young , Bib'e

, or Sunday r , Missionary • a"d „7 Meeting* Prayer Write tod°i Sam ple Comp'e

By DR. HARUN i. ROPER, pastor Scofield Memorial Church



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