King's Business - 1949-11

might be the one whom God would allow to become the mother of His Son. How thrilled, and yet, how fearful was Mary when she heard the angel’s message! Her lips burst forth into a song of praise that is sung by soloists and choirs today. She sang of God’s good­ ness and power and thanked Him for keeping His promise to His people. As you look forward through this week to Christmas Sunday, pray that your heart will be filled with praise for your Redeemer. If you have not yet re­ ceived God’s Son as your Saviour, make your decision to do so today. Then, you may look forward to the most joyful Christmas season that you have ever known. The purpose of the passages selected for this week’s lesson is to present Is­ rael’s only hope, the coming Messiah. The times were very dark due to the approaching Assyrian invasion. But Judah is assured that this invasion will not mean the end of their national exist­ ence. They are given to see that there will be better days in the future. All hope rested in the coming Child and Son, who would bring a far greater deliver­ ance than that from the Assyrian in the days of Hezekiah. Light in the Midst of Shadows 9:2-7 It was often true of the prophet Isaiah that, when dealing with conditions in Judah in his day, he looked forward to greater things in the future when the Messiah should come. As he con­ sidered God’s deliverance of Judah from the Assyrian in the times of Heze­ kiah, he peered into the future to the time of the greater deliverance that would be experienced at Christ’s coming. So it is in the passage before us. The prophet is dealing with the times in which he lived, but the deliverance of that time caused him to speak of the Great Deliverer. In verses 2 and 3 is set forth the light and joy of the coming deliverance. Doubtless there is a pri­ mary application to the time of Isaiah, but a consideration of Matthew 4:15,16 makes it clear that there is a Messianic content in the passage. Verses 4 and 5 present the manner of the deliverance. The primary reference again is to the overthrow of the Assyrian as decrjbed more fully in chapter 37:33-38. A larger fulfillment will be realized when Messiah comes to put down all His enemies. Com­ pare Revelation 19:15,16. Verse 6 re­ veals the coming of the Messiah. None but He can fulfill the meaning of these words. He is seen in both His humanity and His deity. In the words “ a child is born,” His humanity is presented; in the words “a son is given,” His deity is suggested. Then His work and titles follow in the verse. Verse 7 is a proph­ ecy of the eternal duration of Messiah’s righteous rule. N O V E M B E R , 1 9 4 9 Dec. 25, 1949 GOD'S MESSIAH Isa. 9:2-7; 11:1-5 Pointers on the Lesson

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