FYZICALRussell: October Is PT Month


In recent years, National Physical Therapy Month has also focused on the alternative PT offers over opioids. With opioid abuse at an all-time high -- and tragic overdoses on the rise -- alternatives to this class of prescription medication are even more important. The National Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that opioid prescriptions have quadrupled in recent years. Yet, the number of people reporting chronic pain has not gone down. Of course, many people who have conditions like back injuries or arthritis already understand that physical therapy can increase their range-of-motion. But aside from adding flexibility, physical therapy is a viable way to reduce acute and chronic pain. Prescriptions certainly have a valid place in pain management, and it’s true that physical therapy isn’t right for every patient. So how can you tell if physical therapy is a better choice than prescription opioids? The CDC suggests that if you fall into any of these categories, physical therapy can be beneficial: • Pain comes from fibromyalgia, low back pain, knee arthritis or hip arthritis. These conditions in particular are known for responding well to physical therapy when it comes to pain management. • The pain has lasted more than 90 days, meaning that it has gone from “acute” to “chronic.” • The benefits of prescription opioids don’t outweigh their risks. In the early days after an injury or an operation, painkillers help patients function without crippling pain. But with each day that passes, the risks opioids pose outweigh the rewards. • If you’ve become afraid of the pain. Obviously, nobody welcomes physical discomfort. But some people become overly dependent on a pill’s ability to remove all aches and twinges. In physical therapy, pain is a way to determine exactly what needs to be worked on, in order to reduce discomfort down the road.

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EXERCISE ESSENTIALS SITTING POSTURE Sit on a sturdy chair and scoot your hips forward. Place your feet flat on the floor. Tip your pelvis slightly forward. Straighten your spine until your ears are directly over your shoulders and your shoulders are over your hips. Draw your shoulder blades gently back and together. Tuck your chin. Stretch up tall; imagine a string attached to the top of your head, pulling you up to your full height. Repeat 10 times. Does an official month really matter, given that physical therapists are out there making a difference every day? In many ways, yes! If you or a loved one has been on the fence about giving PT a chance, the many stories you’re likely to hear during this month of public awareness may help you to decide. If you have any questions about whether you should #UsePhysicalTherapy, call our office today to discuss your condition and to set up an evaluation. Sources: https://www.moveforwardpt.com/ChoosePT/Toolkit https://www.moveforwardpt.com/choose-physical-therapy-over-opioids-for-pain-management- choosept https://www.moveforwardpt.com/Resources/Detail/physical-therapy-vs-opioids-when-to- choose-physica https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/160645.php https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-physical-therapy-month-october/

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INGREDIENTS • 12 large eggs • 2 tbsp diced pimientos plus more for garnish

• 2 tbsp canola mayonnaise • 2 tsp grainy Dijon mustard • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar • 1/4 tsp black pepper • Dash of hot sauce • 4 oz sharp cheddar cheese

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• 3 large pimiento-stuffed olives, each cut crosswise into 4 thin slices

DIRECTIONS Fill a large saucepan with water to a depth of 1 inch; bring to a boil. Place steamer basket in pan; place eggs in basket. Cover and steam 15 minutes. Plunge eggs into a bowl filled with ice water. Let stand 5 minutes. Peel eggs. Remove top 1/3 of hard-cooked egg white from each egg (reserve caps). Use a teaspoon to remove yolks while keeping whites intact. Place yolks in a medium bowl. Add pimientos and next 6 ingredients (through cheese), stirring until well combined. Place yolk mixture in a large Ziploc bag; snip one corner from bottom of bag to create a hole. Pipe yolk mixture into egg white cups, filling to just above the rim of each cup. Place one olive slice on exposed yolk mixture of each egg to create the body of the spider topping. Chop slices of olives to create the legs. Add pimiento pieces to either side of the body for horns, if desired.

WRIST FLEXOR STRETCH | PRONATION Hold your arm out straight, with your wrist extended and your fingers pointing upward. Use the other hand to pull wrist further, feeling for a stretch. Hold for 5-10 seconds, keeping your elbow straight. Repeat as needed.

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