Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc.

MUNICIPAL DBF offers regular assistance to municipal and governmental clients throughout Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. Our team of specialized municipal engineers provides guidance to rural and suburban towns, counties, and municipalities in planning various infrastructure improvements based upon funding opportunities and applicable regulation modifications. We provide complete engineering services from planning through construction administration for water supply, treatment and distribution as well as wastewater collection, treatment, and transmission/conveyance. With Resident Project Representatives (RPRs) on staff, DBF offers the added benefit of inspections and hands-on assistance during operations. WATER/WASTEWATER ENGINEERING

A vailable S ervices Feasibility Evaluations

Hydrogeological Studies

Water, Sewer & Stormwater Modeling

Water Supply & Treatment

Water Storage & Distribution

Sewer Collection Systems

Betterton Wastewater Treatment Plant

Transmission & Conveyance

Stormwater Collection Systems

Pump Station Rehabilitation

Wastewater Treatment Plant Design

Water Treatment Plant Design

Operator Training & Assistance

Construction Inspection


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