Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc.

COASTAL Coastal engineering is a specialized discipline dealing with the evaluation of wind, tide levels, currents and waves and their impact on protected and unprotected shorelines, marinas and harbors. These forces can be extremely destructive and can inflict significant damage. DBF is uniquely qualified to provide these services based on numerous years of practical experience using state-of-the-art design. These tools enable our firm to evaluate the complex interactions of marine/coastal influences, and to plan and design functional and cost-effective projects to protect from these challenges. Projects have been completed for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Waterway Improvement Division, Maryland Environmental Service, Baltimore District Corps of Engineers and DNREC, as well as numerous county agencies, developers and private owners. ENGINEERING

A vailable S ervices Shoreline Assessments/Stabilization

Dredge Material Containment

Ecosystem Restoration

Marinas/Harbors/Boat Ramp Design

Storm Damage Reduction

Beach Nourishment

Living Shorelines


Groins, Jetties & Breakwaters


Protection/Restoration of Habitat - Ecosystem Restoration

- Vegetative Planting - Wetlands Creation - Offshore Breakwaters - Low Profile Sills

Indian Landing West


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