Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc.

TRAFFIC DBF’s traffic staff includes an experienced professional engineering team providing specialized credentials, including past work experience with the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT). Our staff is committed to providing cost-effective services to local residential and commercial developers, municipalities, counties, and state governments. Our working relationship with governmental agencies and knowledge of the process helps to expedite approvals. ENGINEERING

A vailable S ervices Traffic Impact Studies & Waivers

Traffic Operational Analysis

Transportation Management Plans

We are dedicated to providing clients with timely, cost-effective services tailored to their specific needs. Our traffic engineering staff can also assist government agencies with review services and engineering studies.

Traffic Signal Justification Studies

Traffic Signal Design

Site Access Design

Entrance Plan Approvals

Queuing Analysis

Speed Studies

Site Evaluations

Traffic Control Plans

Trip Generation Studies

All-Way Stop Warrant Analysis

Roadway Design


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