Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc.

STORMWATER Our stormwater design team works closely with clients and review agencies striking a balance between satisfying regulatory requirements and meeting the needs of our clients, which include functionality, aesthetics, cost-effectiveness and safety. We can design stormwater management facilities as a component of overall site development or apply our expertise to specific drainage issues. Our services are available to both public and private entities. We are well-versed in sustainable design principles applicable to stormwater management. ENGINEERING

A vailable S ervices Detention Pond Design

Urban Retrofits

Underground Storage Systems

Erosion & Sediment Control Plans

Micro-bioretention Site Design

Submerged Gravel Wetlands

Drainage Deficiencies Evaluation

Drainage Studies

Watershed Analysis

Drainage Map Development

Downstream Analysis

Channel Modeling

Tanyard Branch


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