King's Business - 1953-09


James O. Henry, M.A., Editor, Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible College

State ot the Nation Paul G. Hoffman, in an address de­ livered recently at Occidental College, touched on the recent “ book burning campaign.” He said: “ Today we are passing through another period (as after World War I) in which there is altogether too much fear, suspicion, and hate in the atmosphere. Never since the days of the Alien and 'Se­ dition Laws of 1789 has there been a time when freedom to think, free­ dom to inquire, and freedom to speak were in greater jeopardy; never a time when pressures for conformity to the prevailing mores were heavier.” After warning against outside dan­ gers Hoffman warned against, “ self- imposed danger of using the wrong methods to combat the Communist menace, the attempt to make criticism socially dangerous and of trying to enforce conformity through fear.” He offered the suggestion that there are quick and easy methods of stopping the leaks in the roof; “ you can tear down the house and then there will be no leaks because there is no house.” In his conclusion he warns that “Un­ less we wish to succumb to totalitar­ ianism, we must not use totalitarian techniques in battling against com­ munism.” Withdrawal Delegates of the Independent Fun­ damental Churches of America, at their 24th National Convention held in Terre Haute, Ind., voted to with­ draw from the American Council of Christian Churches of America. According to Rev. Nye J. Lang- made, executive secretary of the IFCA, the action taken at the recent convention was the result of a failure of the Executive Committee of the American Council to give satisfactory answers to an “ 11 point protest” pre­ sented to the committee by represen­ tatives of the IFCA several months ago. Rev. Langmade in commenting on the action states that “ a matter that had been a problem to us for years was resolved and we found ourselves once again in that position where we could seek to accomplish the work He entrusted to us 24 years ago.” 16

Conservative Baptist Action This summer the Conservative Bap­ tist Association of America, meeting in annual sessioh in Hinson Memor­ ial Baptist Church, Portland, Ore., unanimously rejected the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. It passed this resolution which reads: “Whereas there has been thrust upon us a new translation of the Holy Scriptures produced and authorized by the National Council of Churches, known as the Revised Standard Ver­ sion containing the Old and New Tes­ taments, and Whereas it is the work of liberal scholarship without consul­ tation with the Evangelical scholars of the day, and Whereas many pas­ sages manifest a reckless handling of the original texts together with an unwarranted questioning of the same; Therefore, be it resolved that the Con­ servative Baptist Association of Amer­ ica,- in annual session in Portland, in keeping with the action of the East­ ern and Central regions, goes on rec­ ord as rejecting the Version as a true translation of the ancient manuscripts and versions, believing it to contain serious interpretations which subor­ dinate and question the Saviourhood and Deity of our Lord. It should be given the status of modern-speech translations only.” Confused In a recent article written for the American M ercury, Dr. J. B. Mat­ thews, a staff director of a subcom-' mittee working under the McCarthy Senate investigating Committee, de­ clared that “ Protestant clergymen form the largest pro-Red group in the United States.” Immediately after the article was published three members of the committee demanded Mat­ thews’ dismissal. Senator McCarthy refused to dismiss him. Then three high officials representing the Catho­ lic, Jewish, and Protestant faiths col­ laborated in sending the President a telegram of protest. The President is­ sued one of the strongest statements he has made since entering his office against Matthews’ action. Immedi­ ately Senator McCarthy accepted Dr. Matthews’ resignation. Dr. Matthews asked for an opportunity to document his charges with proof before the Committee.

George Sokolsky, a syndicated writer for the Hearst papers and a strong anti-Communist said of Dr. Matthews: “He is the greatest author­ ity in the United States on the sub­ ject of Marxism and its infiltration into this country. He has been on both sides of the question, although never a party member. It has been largely due to his efforts since 1936 that step by step every move of the Communists has been met by a coun­ ter-move by the anti-Communist.” Sokolsky says further that Dr. Mat­ thews’ “ files are so complete that many check their data .against his files. Matthews is respected by every person who works in this field.” A sizeable segment of the American public is becoming confused. Some are asking why the clergy is neces­ sarily considered to be immune from Communism and why Matthews is not permitted to show his proof, if he has it. One observer recently voiced the fear that we are establishing a “ benefit of clergy” used by the church during the Middle Ages to keep the clergy out of the jurisdiction of the civil authorities? New) Drug A new member has been added to the family of wonder drugs. The new drug is called B-N-D tyrosinase and is used in the treatment of second and third degree burns. The drug was discovered by acci­ dent. According to the AP report, “ One day in 1944 two men were boiling down scraps to make hog food in a chop suey canning plant they operated in Oak Lawn, 111. A boiling vat exploded, scalding nearly a dozeh employees. While waiting for ambu­ lances, fellow employees applied the only liquid they could lay hands on —mung bean sprout juice, extracted from a bushy annual legume and much fancied by chop suey eaters.” Doctors in Chicago hospitals where the patients were treated were aston­ ished to find no blistering, no pain and no shock in any of the scalded patients. Medical science immediately went to work experimenting with the extract and have proven it to be satis­ factory for the treatment of severe burns. THE K ING 'S BUSINESS

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