King's Business - 1953-09

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BUY YOUTH SINGS For Home— Church— -School 128 H YM N S A N D CHORUSES Pocket Size— Only 35c, 3 for $1.00 Piano Size— Only 60c, 3 for $1.75 PRAISE BOOK PUBLICATIONS . ■ . & • , ■ Mound, Minnesota; and At Christian Bookstores j MOREPEOPLE enjoy BIBLE READING WITH THE N ew Instant Index Bible A Complete New


Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept of Science, Biola Bible College

I n James 4:14 we read the following: “ For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for- a little time, and then vanisheth away.” This is a question that has puzzled men down through the ages. Many cen­ turies have passed since James, and man has accomplished many wonder­ ful things, but this question can still be asked and no one will answer. Is it not strange that life which is common to all men is still one of the world’s greatest mysteries? Modern man with his trust in science looks to the biologist for the answer to this question. If any one would know, it should be the biologist for after all he spends his life working with liv­ ing things. But, alas, he is doomed to disappointment for he is only of­ fered a set of rules that the biologist uses as a guide in differentiating the living from the non-living. , For example, he is told that living things move, are capable of respond­ ing, growth and reproduction. These are just a few of the criteria used by the biologist but they are typical of all in that they are purely descriptive and therefore still leave unanswered our question —what is life? Just what is it that is responsible for implanting the characteristics of life to the col­ lection of atoms composing our bod­ ies? Although the biologists have been working with living things for cen­ turies they must admit that this fun­ damental question still goes unan­ swered. In spite of this they still hope to eventually explain life in terms of the chemical systems that

make up living things. But the Christian might doubt if this will ever be possible because the Bible strongly ^implies that life is more than the visible house in which it is found. Scriptures like Psalm 36:9 “ For with thee is the fountain of life” , and Acts 17:25 “ . . . ho giveth to all life” , tell us that God is the source of life. Since life seems to have its origin outside of the observable physical realm with which the bi­ ologist works, one realizes the impos­ sibility of fully understanding the es­ sences of life without some acquaint­ anceship with the source of all life. The Christian understands this for he recognizes that life is more than the difference between existing and not existing. The Scriptures divide all men into two groups: “ He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” (1 John 5:12). Thus those that are alive physically (as the biologist measures life) 'are pictured by God as dead spiritually if they do not know the source of eternal life. “He that believeth on the Son hath ever­ lasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36). Thus we see that in a very real sense life is tied up with God and eternal life with the Son of God. For this reason the life that the biologist is concerned with is incomplete for not until one comes to know the Author of everlasting life can the full meaning of life be comprehended.

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