King's Business - 1953-09


By Donald G. Davis, Ph.D., Prof. Of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

All recommended books may be obtained from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.

Among the fathers treated are Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, and Ire- naeus, as well as such works as the Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, and the so-called Epistle to Diognetus. Indexes of sub­ ject matter, modern authors, and Bib­ lical references give added yyorth to these volumes. 415 pages; cloth; The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Pa.; $5.00. Hete are made available to English readers the important works of Ul­ rich Zwingli, the Swiss reformer of Zurich and his successor there, Hein­ rich Bullinger, who exercised a strong influence upon the English Reformation. Of the former’s works will be found, Of th e . Clarity and Certainty of thè Word of God, Of the Education of Young, Of Bap­ tism, On the Lord’s Supper, and An Exposition of the Faith, and from Bullinger’s one work, Of the H oly Catholic Church. The transla­ tions, notes, and introductions are by G. W. Bromiley. 364 pages; cloth; The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Pa.; $5.00. Expository Preaching for Today Case Studies of Rible Passages By Andrew Watterson Blackwood The author, now part time profes­ sor of Biblical homiletics at Temple University, has written this guide to expository preaching to provide sug­ gestions for preachers who follow this method of proclaiining the Word of God. In addition to the treatment of the goals of the method, the selection of a Bible passage, and the gathering of sermon materials, each section is illustrated by Bible case studies— of which the author says, “ I aim to de­ velop each case only far enough to make clear the idea,' and then to suggest a trail for someone else to follow.” The reader will delight in following these trails, and in so do­ ing will raise his standard of preach­ ing methods. 224 pages; cloth; Abing- don-Cokesbury Press, . New York; $3.00. Practical Church Publicity By Richmond O. Brown No pastor could possibly fail to profit from a study of this down-to- earth treatment of the church’s pub­ licity mediums. Practical methods for newspaper writing, including han­ dling of interviews, speeches, and sermons, are set forth clearly and THE KING 'S BUSINESS . The Library of Christian Classics Volume XX IV Twingli and Rullinger

a good summary of the light thrown upon the language of the New Testa­ ment by the every-day language of the Koine Greek found in recent years in the extensive collections of docu­ ments roughly contemporaneous with the writing of the books of the New Testament. Documentation is full, and a fairly complete bibliography concludes the work. 148 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville, Term.; $ 2 . 00 . Commentary , on The First Epistle to the Corinthians By F. W. Grosheide Conservative Bible students will welcome this addition to The New International Commentary on the New Testament projected several years since. The author is Professor at the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The introduction is not extensive, since the criticism of First Corinth­ ians has not been generally severe. The Scripture text used is the Ameri­ can Standard Version of 1901, but the exposition is based upon the Greek text in such a way as to make the volume useful to readers unac­ quainted with Greek. While premillennial and dispensa- tional distinctions will not be ex­ pected in this series of commentaries because of its pronounced Reformed background, the set, including the volume on the first Corinthian letter, will prove most useful to minister and teacher. Unlike Geldenhus’ volume on Luke in this series, this work does not in­ clude a bibliography. 415 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $5.00. The Library of Christian Classics 'Volume I Early Christian Fathers Twenty-six volumes are planned for The Library of Christian Classics under the general editorship of John Baillie, John T. McNeill, and Henry P. Van Dusen; thé series covers the literature of the Church from the early period through the Protestant Reformation. Early Christian Fathers presents the basic writings of the first two cen­ turies of the church in a new transla­ tion by Cyril C. Richardson in col­ laboration with outstanding Ameri­ can and Canadian scholars. Extended introductions and classified bibliog­ raphies precede each section. Explan­ atory notes accompany the transla­ tions, freshly rendered in clear mod­ ern English.

What it Costs to he a Good Christian By John R. Rice

In the seven sermons to be found in this book the author discusses a number of the decisions to be faced by the Christian in determining the degree of his yieldedness to Christ -^ “ all-out discipleship!” This is a good book to place in the hands of young Christians and those who feel the strong tug of the world. 223 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Pub­ lishers, Wheaton, 111.; $2.25. Toward the Marh Studies in Philippians By Stephen W. Paine Many good things mark this ser­ ies of studies in Philippians. The book is not a commentary but a dis­ cussion of some sixteen selected pas­ sages. “The Christian’s Blank Check” is a homily, for example, on the words, “ But my God shall supply all your need . . .” Wesley’s doctrine of Christian Perfection appears occa­ sionally through the book. 191 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Company, Westwood, N. J.; $2.50. 261 Handcrafts and Pun for Little Ones By Eleanor Doan This is the kind of book which solves many handwork problems in Vacation Bible School and similar church activities. Here are literally hundreds of articles which can be constructed by small children from the most common materials easily brought from home—spools, boxes, clothespins, wooden forks and spoons, and matchboxes. The articles con­ structed illustrate Scripture truth and stimulate the children’s interest. Teachers, add this book to your shelf of helps! 93 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. The Christian W o rk er ’ s Handbooh By William Goulooze The first 31 pages of this little book explain the preparation of the Christian worker and the best ap­ proach in making a contact or call. 134 pages are devoted to a classifica­ tion of Bible passages for the worker —most helpful for pastors and others. Marriage and burial forms conclude the work. 218 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $ 2 . 00 .

TSew Testament Life and Literature as Reflected in the Papyri By Eldred Douglas Head

Within the compass of this com­ paratively small book will be found 20

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