King's Business - 1953-09

GLENN O'NEAL, M.A., Instructor, Dept, of Speech, Biola Bible College

{Note: The editor would be glad to receive outlines which you feel would be of help to our readers.) Divine Deliverance 2 Cor. 1:10 In Christ, complete deliverance from sin is available to us. A. Past, from penalty of sin. 1. From spiritual death “ so great a death” (Rom. 6:23). 2. From bondage of sin (Rom. 6:18). 3. From eternal condemnation (Rom. 8:1). B. Present, from power of sin. 1. From power of flesh. 2. From temptation (1 Cor. 10:13). 3. From anxieties of life (Psa. 34:4). C. Future, from presence of sin. 1. From corruption of world (1 Cor. 15:54-58). 2. From sin nature. C.P. The Uieh Young Ruler Matt. 19:16-22 The young ruler went away from Jesus Christ because: 1. He failed to see that what he lacked was greater than all of his possessions. ■2. He did not wish to apply 3. He refused to enter into id e n tific a tio n with Jesus Christ. J.M. Three Deadly Enemies 1. The world about us (1 John 5:19). 2. The flesh within us / (Gal. 5:17). 3. The devil without us (Eph. 6 : 1 2 ). John 1 0 :9 Analyzed “ I am the door:”— The simplicity of the gospel, “ by me”— The exclusiveness of the gospel. “ if any man enter in,”— The universality of the gos- - pel.. “ he shall be saved,”— v The certainty of the gospel, “ and shall go in and out,”— The liberty of the gospel, “ and find pasture”— The satisfaction of the gos­ pel. the paradoxical business principle that Jesus Christ commanded.

R e is Able 1. Able to save (Heb. 7:-25). 2. Able to keep (Jude 24; 2 Tim. 1:12). 3. Able to succour (Heb. 2:18). 4. Able to deliver (Dan. 3:17, 28, 29; 6:20-22). 5. A b le to e s tab lish (Rom. 16:. 25, ARV). 6. Able to do exceeding abun­ dantly (Eph. 3:20). 7. A b le to make a ll g ra ce aboimd—to enable us to serve (2 Cor. 9:8). A minute Pause fit the m inor Prophets Hosea’s Message for Our Times: 1. Great power "and wealth en­ courage social sins (4:1, 2, 7a). 2. Ignorance of the Word of God leads to apostasy (4:1, 6; 2:13). 3. Corrupt preachers and poli­ ticians are responsible for leading a nation away from God into sin (4:9; 6:9). 4.. Sin in a nation always brings judgment (3:9, 8:7). Four Things fo r Happiness “ Four things that I may happy be, I pray that God will give to me; Someone to love with all my heart, Something to do by toil or art, Something to hope for farther dn, A memory sweet to muse upon.” We are fully aware that the poet —-J. H. Darlington—didn’t have in mind that which we will direct your attention to, namely: In the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, God has marvelously answered these requests for happiness. 1. Who deserves to be loved with all the heart like the altogether lovely One? (1 John 4:19). 2. Who deserves to be served “ by toil or art” more than the One who finished for us the work that saves? (John 19:3,0). 3. What better is there to “ hope for farther on” than His com­ ing to take all believers to Himself that where He is, there we may be also? (John 14:1-3). 4. For “ a memory sweet to muse upon,” His death for our sins is unexcelled.

Transformed 1. From death to life (John 5:24). 2. From the power of Satan unto God (Acts 26:18). 3. From darkness to light (John 8 : 12 ). 4. From sinner to saint (1 Cor. 1 : 2 ). 5. From law unto grace (Rom. 6:14). 6. From the old1nature to the new nature (Eph. 4:22, 24). EXPOSITOR'S CORNER (NUMBER ONE IN A SERIES IN THE BOOK OF EPHESIANS) Accepted in the Deloved Eph. 1:1-14 Introduction: With many, God’s love is un­ der question. What does God’s love do for us? I. It brings us into close rela­ tionship to God. a. God is the perfect place of love “ the beloved” (v. 6). b. This love is showered on us th r o u g h redemption (v. 7). c. Redemption makes possi­

ble a free flow of love be­ tween God and us “with­ out blame before him in love” (v. 4 ). d. We are brought into the closest r e la tio n s h ip of love—-the family of God (v .5 ). II. It guarantees a bright future: a. Wisdom abounded toward us for the future too. (v. 8 ). b. -—The entire un iv e rse will be unified in Him. (v. 10). c. —We will have a part in this great a c c om p lis h ­ ment. “We have obtained an inheritance” (v. 11). d. —We have the promise that He will continue to shower His love upon us ahead of time through the Holy Spirit. “ Sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise” (w . 13, 14).


That which is “ to the praise of his glory” is to find those who will respond to His love (w . 5, 6, 9, 12, 14).



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