King's Business - 1953-09

YOUNG PEOPLE continued more of America’s young people are col­ lege-trained. Again, a college education is impor­ tant because the church is looking for edu­ cated young people to take places of leader­ ship. Churches are discovering that they do not have to tolerate uneducated minis­ ters, nor do they have to add untrained and unskilled workers to their staff. Chris­ tian colleges and seminaries are producing more and more highly trained specialists in the field of Christian service, and these are given first choice by the churches looking for leadership. Even mission boards today are favoring college-trained young people as candidates for the mission field. The foreign coun­ tries to which our missionaries are going are requiring more and more that the missionaries allowed to enter be college graduates and that they be qualified to serve as educators in the land to which they go. The Kind of School for A Young Christian In the Scripture at the head of our topic we learn that spiritual truth is the fountain of all real wisdom and knowledge. This leads me to the first observation un­ der this head, and that is that a Christian young person ought to attend a Christian school of higher education. There are many valid reasons for this statement. In the first place I think there is something incongruous about a Chris­ tian young man or young woman going to some Christ-hating, Bible-rejecting in­ stitution to prepare himself for life. How can a totally world-view philosophy of life equip a young person to live for Jesus Christ? A truly Christian school, on the other hand, gives the young person a view of the world through the eyes of Jesus Christ. Christian institutions of learning present the basic facts of life, such as the reality of God as a Person, the fact of sin as re­ bellion against the law of God, the fact of creation as against the false theory of naturalistic evolution, and the fact of moral responsibility for all actions in the light of the coming judgment of the living God. In a Christian school young people are in constant fellowship with believers and are thus being encouraged to live in the center of the will of God. W e need all the encouragement we can get in these days of abounding iniquity (Matt. 24:12; Heb. 10:25). Have you ever considered the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles as the school where you can receive your higher education? Let me give you the reasons why I think the Bible Institute is the school for you. In the first place, at the Bible Institute The Christian School I Heartily Recommend

you can take a standard four-year college course leading to a recognized Bachelor of Arts degree. You will have taken all the courses required in any secular school for graduation and plus this you will have received a Bible major that w ill have equipped you for Christian living and Christian service. At the Bible Institute you can continue on in graduate work in the Talbot Theological Seminary, a standard three-year, fully accredited semi­ nary and after completing the work re­ ceive a degree of Bachelor of Divinity. You can take a one-year post-graduate in Missionary Medicine at the B iola School of Missionary Medicine and thus greatly enhance your missionary useful­ ness. These and many other advantages I suggest to those of you who are con­ sidering the school for your future train­ ing. Why not write to the Bible Institute today? Editor's note: Dr. Padgett departs from the as­ signed Scripture passage this week to express his thoughts on this topic in keeping with World-Order Sunday. Oct. 18, 1953 Headlines Never Printed 1 Kings 1:1-12; 1 Cor. 13 The Bible is the most amazing book in all the realm of literature. The Bible not only gives us the only accurate history of the ancient world, but it also gives us an accurate blueprint of the future. Every prediction in the Bible is certain. This is proved by the many fulfillments up to the present time. Hundreds of Old Testa­ ment prophecies were fulfilled in the first advent of Jesus Christ alone, and these in minute detail. In just the same way every prediction of the Bible related to the future of the world of nations, and related to the second coming of Christ will be completely and perfectly fulfilled. Now, the Bible tells us that the world’s papers will be printing headlines of “wars and rumours of war” right up to the very end. One of the reasons for this is that the human heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9). The inspired Apostle Paul unveils the na­ ture of the human heart in Romans 3:9-20 pnd in Ephesians 1:1-10. Read these pas­ sages in your society meeting and discuss them freely. See God’s indictment of hu­ man nature, and see how necessary it is for man to be bom again (John 3:1-7) in order that this condition might be reme­ died (2 Cor. 5:17). There will be wars and rumours of wars right up to the end of this dispensation be­ cause Satan is the god of this world. Our well-meaning friends who talk about “world order” and about world “peace and prosperity” and about “ justice and good will” completely overlook the awful fact that this world is in the hands of the evil one, Satan himself. The Word of God teaches this clearly, and its teaching must not be ignored (2 Cor. 4:3, 4; Eph. 2:1-4;

Eph. 6:10-20). Not until men are delivered from the power of Satan will there ever be peace in this world. But in spite of all our gospel preaching the multitudes of the earth choose Satan rather than Jesus Christ, and the inevitable conse­ quence is war and hate and bloodshed. This condition w ill grow steadily worse until the Saviour returns to save the world from total destruction. (Study Matt. 24.) The Bible Tells Us of the Christian Attitude Toward This World of Wars And Rumours of Wars The sincere Bible-believer has the true perspective of world affairs. He knows what the future holds because he knows the One who holds the future, and he knows how he is to conduct himself in this present evil world. In the first place he is told that he is in the world but not of it. Now, this kind of statement bothers the unconverted church leader, but we can­ not help it. W e would rather believe the Word of God than the word of man. (Study John 15:18-27; John 19; Titus 2:11-15; 1 Peter 2:9-11; 2 Peter 1:4; 2:20; 1 John 2:15-17, etc.) But this does not mean that the Chris­ tian does not have some responsibility to the world and some obligation to it. The Saviour tells us that we are to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth (Matt. 5:13-16); He tells us that we are to go to the entire world preaching the gospel of salvation (Matt. 28:18-20); he is told that he should pray for all world rulers (1 Tim. 2:1-3), and that he should honor those in authority over him (Rom. 13:1-7); and he is told that he should love all men (Rom. 13:8-10). The Bible Tells Us When the Headlines Of Wars and Rumours of Wars Shall Cease Wars will cease when the Prince of Peace returns to rule and reign, and not until then. There is no man in the world who is able to cope with the tremendous problems of modern civilization. As the world shrinks in size due to improving communications the differences among na­ tions increase in proportion. These differ­ ences must be solved and the only way man knows is by force. But, prior to the time when man seeks to destroy himself from off the face of the earth, Jesus Christ will return and w ill establish His king­ dom. Even so come Lord Jesus. (Study Psalm 2; Daniel 2:44, 45; Matt. 24-25; Rev. 19, 20.) Oct. 25, 1953 My Church Publishes Good News 1 Thess. 1:5-10; Luke 1:1-4 This topic is designed to call attention to the coming anniversary of the Protes­ tant Reformation on October 31. It was on this notable date that Martin Luther, young reformer, inaugurated the great

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