King's Business - 1953-09


of commission. To know the evils of the liquor traffic and to do nothing about it is a sin. This may be applied to other types of intemperance as well. Helps for the Children Taking A Difficult Stand Luke 19:1-10 Memory Verse: "Give . . thy servant an understanding heart . . . that I may discern between good and bad . . ." (1 Kings 3:9). Zacchaeus was a tax collector. He had to make an important decision. Would he collect just as much money from each person as he should, or would he collect extra money from them unfairly and make himself rich? Because Zacchaeus did not love the Lord Jesus, he chose to become dishonest. Soon people hated him; no longer did they want to be known as his friends. He became rich, but his heart was filled with sin and unhappiness. One day Zacchaeus heard that the Son of God was going to pass. through his town. Eagerly the little man closed his business and joined the crowds who were waiting to see the Lord Jesus. Because Zacchaeus was short, he was unable to see the road­ way. Quickly he ran to a sycamore tree and climbed up into the branches so that he might look down upon the wonderful Visitor to his town. As the Saviour passed along, He stopped under the sycamore tree, looked up into the branches, and said, “ Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house.” How surprised the crowds were that the Son of God would not only speak to such a sinner but would want to visit in his home! As the Saviour talked with Zac­ chaeus, the little man knew that he had made a wrong choice of actions. He prom­ ised to return all that he had falsely taken and to add four times as much as he had stolen! Being in Jesus’ presence had shown Zacchaeus how sinful his choice had been. Do you have a difficult time choosing the good rather than 'the evil sometimes? Can you always say and do that which will please your Lord even though you are with those who do not honor Him with their lives? One of the kings of the Old Testament prayed, “ Give . . . thy servant an understanding heart . .. . that I may discern [choose, or know the dif­ ference] between good and evil [bad].” If you will make this your prayer each day, your Lord will help you to make the right choices and to have the strength to carry them put. | e n d .

infers judgment. Such as these allow themselves to get in such a condition of body and soul that they must suffer the judgment of God. Note how insidious strong drink is! When it gets a hold upon men and women they are liable to “ con­ tinue” in its clutches. It will also “ in­ flame” them so that they will commit all manner of atrocious acts. Men lose all con­ trol of their faculties at such a time. “ They regard not the work of the Lord” (v. 12) and find themselves finally in ut­ ter “ captivity” (v. 13). Such as these find themselves also, nearer to the brink of “ hell” or sheol, the place of departed spirits. It is an awful thing to allow the mind and spirit to become numbed by the use of poisonous drink. The Influence of Drinking Matt. 18:6 This passage does not definitely speak of strong drink. It refers to anything a person may do to bring injury upon a little child. It may be the use of intoxi­ cating beverages. The writer knows the case of a third grade child who was ren­ dered dizzy, as he called it, by drinking spiked liquor at a party where his parents were in attendance. Who knows but that under such influence this child may grow up to be an alcoholic and end in a diunk- ard’s grave? Whose fault will- it be? Christ pronounces. awful judgment upon any who cause “ little ones” to stumble in whatever way. An Exhortation Against Drinking Rom. 13:11-14 It was this passage, particularly verses 13 and 14, that the Spirit of God used one dajr in Milan, Italy, to bring ¡.bout the conversion of St. Augstine. He had lived a very profligate young life but through the prayers aftd tears of his godly mother Monica and the influence of St. Ambrose he was brought to a realization of his sins, and the Sword of the Spirit, in the form of the exhortation before us, did the final work. The passage is mainly for believers but God’s Spirit may use it to convict unbelievers as well. The import of it is that since believers have become new creatures in Christ Jesus, they ought to put off the works of the flesh and live like Christians. In short, they ought to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Putting Him on practically as well as professionally will mean the putting off of the things of the flesh. A Vital Principle James 4:17 There are sins of omission as well as

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Catalog and fine selections of sample materials on request. Fair prices. Mention whether for Pulpit or Choir. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. 14th St. Greenville, III.

LINDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education APPROVED FOR VETERANS SAN DIEGO 11 CALIFORNIA EVANGELISTIC PIANO PLAYING An easy course in four units e x p la in in g methods of hymn arranging with runs, arpeggios, trills, transposing, modulations. Write for in­ formation. Eleanor Pankow 7028 S. Union Avé. Chicago 21, III.

Soliciting Christian People SOUTHLAND HOTEL Comfortable — Clean inexpensive 605 S. Flower St. Los Angeles 17, Calif. One block west of Bible Institute

SACRED PIANO SOLOS ‘‘There’s a Wideness to God's Mercy" Classical arrangements. Original instructions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 17, Calif. “ Blessed Be the Fountain" “Safe in the Arms of Jesus" W om en's Christian Medical College Ludhiana, India Training young Indian Women to become doctors, nurses, dispensers, mid - wives The new Government of India is demanding an upgrading of this medical college by 1953. If this is not done it will mean that this sound, evangelical work of over fifty years will be cur­ tailed. We need funds AT ONCE for equipment, scholarships, our Surgeon’s salary. Miss Lucy Powel, Sec.-Treas., R3, Norristown, Pa. 47

INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY— for Christian business man (or couple). PASO ROBLES— cor. bldg, in central business block. 1st floor— 2 stores, leased, also hotel lobby and mgrs. or owners apt. 2nd floor 19 rooms nicely furnished and big linen supply. Gross income about $19,000 per year. Very liberal terms to qualified buyer of this well- constructed fire resistant building. (Owner is retiring from business to gjve active time to Christian service. Hotel has fine reputation, clientelle. Preferred consideration to Christian purchaser.) Write or phone: Geo. White c / o Greenlee Real Estate Co., 6620 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles, 43, Calif. Phone: PLeasant 3-1576.

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