King's Business - 1953-09

O e ï t i s e m e n t s


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NETWORK RADIO STATION MANAGER IN- terested in employing highly capable announcer- technicians who are Christians. Write Biola, Box 123. OLD BIBLES REBOUND. A PRICE, BINDING and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood; Miss. FINE WATCH REPAIRING: WRIST WATCHES $4.00; Pocket $4.50: Chronograph $10.00. Prices include cleaning and adjustment. Or.e year guarantee. Send watches by insured mail. Oakley Jewelry Shop, 2312 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago 22, III. DEAGAN OR MUSSER VIBRAHARPS $525 to $895. Suitcase organs $175. Special Discounts — Payment Plan. ORGAN SHOP, 3117 Harrison Ave. N. W., Canton 9, Ohio. FOR SALE— COMPLETE PRINTING BUSINESS. Linotype, 2 presses, etc. Capable of producing good volume of letter press work. Price $6500. 9267 Mission Blvd., Riverside, Calif. CROSS CROCHETED BOOKMARKS, 2 FOR 30 cents. 8 for $1.00 cash. All colors. Mrs. Stymus, P. O. Box 654, San Bruno, Calif. MISSIONARY RECRUITS NEEDED NOW IN Canada and the United States. Free circular. Write Dr. William Swaan, Ruskin 1, British Columbia. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. ENCLOSE A GOLD background JOHN 3:16 billfold size card in all your correspondence. A sermon in itself. Send 10 c for sample card and ask for quantity prices. STANDARD SPECIALTIES COMPANY, Box 4382- E, San Francisco, California. BIBLES REBOUND IN ATTRACTIVE LEATHER covers. High quality workmanship; reasonable prices. Write Western Bible Bindery, 8009 S. W. Canyon Lane, Portland 1, Oregon-. NOVELTY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. COW- bells, Sleighbells, imported Concert Glasses, Triple Tone Harmony Bells, Chorded Clusters. Arnold Carl Westphal, Michigan City, Indiana. JUNIOR MAGIC TRICK TALKS. ILLUSTRATE Gospel with self contained Surprise Climax Vis­ uals. Free Sample. Arnold Westphal, Michigan City, Indiana. FREE GOSPEL TRACTS, FREE-WILL OFFERINGS used in Lord's work. Wilson Gospel Tract Depot, 1032V j Winchester Ave., Glendale 1, Calif. A P E N N Y A D A Y (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity) WUl give spiritual sight to the blind HOW? For information write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND 4S0 East 141st St. - - - - New York 54, N . Y . Chas. E. Gremmels, Pres.; J. E. Bennet, Treas.

SAVE 6 0 % ON TOP QUALITY PLASTIC BASE recording tape. 600 feet, $1.49; 1200 feet, 4 $2.49, postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Church Supply Service, Box 105, Pendleton, Ore. PUBLICIZE YOUR CHURCH! 500 POST CARDS with picture of your church and name and ad­ dress imprinted, only $4.95; three line rubber stamp, $ 1 . 0 0 ; 1000 embossed business cards, $2.95. These low prices to churches and .Chris­ tian workers only. Church Supply Service, Box 105, Pendleton, Oregon. POEMS WANTED FOR MUSICAL SETTING. Send poems. Free examination. Five Star Music Masters. 221 Beacon Bldg., Boston, Mass. ^SCOFIELD BIBLE< — COMPLETE LINE IN- cluding new loose-leaf edition. Write for litera­ ture. Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main, Hamburg, New York. WHO WANTS TO KNOW THE MODE OF BAP- tism? . . . 20 cents. Your money back if you will part with this booklet after reading it. Free Tracts Mission, 211 Occidental, Seattle, Wash. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial consid­ eration. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K. B.), Mount Vernon, Ohio. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR CHRISTIAN business man (or couple). See display ad on page 47. THOUSANDS OF OUT-OF-PRINT AND SCARCE theology now available. Free catalog. Libraries purchased. Kregel's Bookstore, Grand Rapids, Michigan. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSON AND VISUAL AIDS. Send 25c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y. . BIG 4— 1st: MEMBERS, ALL AGES, WANTED. National Christian Club. 2nd: Salesmen«, Sales­ ladies Wanted; 3rd: 50c Sale; Bible, Books, many items. 4th: 2 Large Free Film (16MM) Libraries! Which interests you? National Club, Box 268R2, Hopkins, Minnesota. Humberd Press 50 Instant Bible Index ................................. 19 Johnson, Dave ........................ 50 Kirkbride Bible Co........................ Back Cover Light and Life Press .................... ............ 36 Linda Vista Baptist Bible College .............. 47 Little Giant Manufacturing Co.................... 36 Monroe Co................................j...^..L..L>-iiL.. 36 Moody Press ........................................... 36 National Church Goods Supply Co.............. 4 Noble, Geo., The Christian Co.................... 46 Pocket Testament League ......................... 42 Praise Book Publications .............. 19, 36, 46 Salter, Dr.................. ...................... ........ 46 Shelton College ................ 44 Simpson Bible Institute ...... 5 Sims, C. Whitfield ........................ 47 Snyder, Rev. H. E. M. ......;...................... 19 Southland Hotel ...... 47 Standard Publishing Co............................. 35 Story-O-Graphs !.._..........J.............. 35 Sudbury Brass Goods Co. .......................... 37 Sunday School Times ....... 19 System Bible Co..... ................. 36 Talbot Theological Seminary .................... 34 Westmont College ............ ................. 36, 45 Wilson's Book Exchange .......................... 23 Windowphanie Co...................................... 36 White, George .................................. 47 Women's Christian Medical College ........... 47 LUDWIG VIBRAHARP — 3 OCTAVE. E. H. Lindskoog, 1129 Orange Ave., Santa Ana, Calif.

CHRISTMAS OR GOSPEL GUMMED LABELS with colored borders, 100 assorted 35c. Scrip­ ture tracts, 100 assorted 25c. 500 assorted $1.00. Leather wallets $1.60. K. Allman, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N. J. ___________ LITERARY AND SERMON HELPS Busy pastors promptly assisted with sermons, addreses, thesis work, to scholarly specifica­ tions. Ample research facilties and extensive experience over twerrty-five years. Author's Research Bureau, 137 Cottage Street, Jersey City 6 , N. J. _____ RELIGIOUS LIBRARIES PURCHASED. BAKER Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6 , Michi­ gan. I_____ ____ _____ THE PATH OF LOVE, AN EVANGELICAL devotional booklet that will enrich your prayer life. 50c, three for $1. An ideal gift. The Brownist Press, 1324 Oak Park Avenue, Berwyn, Illinois.__________ ■ ____ _______ ________ EVANGELICAL AUDIO-VISUAL ASSOCIATION FILM LIBRARY Church Budget Plan (Know a year ahead how much your films will cost) $ 1 2 0 at $10 per mo. for churches under 400 members. Write for de­ tails. Joseph Calhoun Bl '23, 2342 E. 126th Street, Compton, Calif. NEwmark 1-9920, NEvada 6-5118. WANTED: STRAIGHT PEWS, USED TO SEAT 250. Must be in good condition. Campbell Bap­ tist Church, 115 Sunnyside Avenue, Campbell, Calif.____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ TRIPLESPEED ABC SHORTHAND, HOMESTUDY, trains stenographers quickly. Ideal for ministers, students note-taking. Capital City College (KB), Washington 5, D. C . ________________ CHRISTIAN BOOK STORE ESTABLISHED EIGHT years, sales price $23,000.00, yearly earnings approx. $10,000.00. Inventory approx. $18,- 000.00., fixtures $2700.00. Christian Book & Bible Store, 228 Granger Building, San Diego 1, Calif.___________________ __g _________________ PROTECT YOUR MISSIONARY'S OR CHRIS- tian worker's health. Many return from field broken in health. Hi-potency vitamin minerals shipped direct to them at wholesale prices by Christian agency. Write for information to: CHRISTIAN PROVIDERS, 3812 Arboleda St., Pasadena 8 , Calif._____ _____________________ WANTED: FIVE HUNDRED NEW MEMBERS for the Christian Pen Pal Club. Details Free. John Snyder, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania. __ LENDING U B R A R Y ~ B O O K S BY MAIL. WRITE for information and sample copy of Christian Reader's Review, Christian Reader's Library, Veedersburg, Indiana. Accordion Manufacturers ......................... 23 American Association for Jewish Evangelism 4 American Bible Society 41 American Indian Liberation Crusade ...... 17 American Sunday School Union ... ..... 4, 41 Babylon Rug Cleaners ...................... 23 Baptista Films ...................... 5 Bentley & Simon .................................... 23 Bible Institute Hour ................................. 46 Biola School of Missionary Medicine .... Cover 2 Biola Film Dept........ .................... Cover 3 Book & Bible House ........................... 17 Brown Schools .... 17 Century Music Co.................... 46 Ceylon & India General Mission ................ 42 Chicago School of Nursing ....................... 46 Christian Association for the Blind ........... 50 Christian Publications ......................... 42, 58 Christian Workers' Service Bureau ............. 46 Christian Writers Institute ......................... 36 Christ's Mission ............. 5 Church Press ..........................„¿.,.¿¡1........ 40 Columbia Basin Missions ...... 36 De Moulin Bros. ................... 47 Evangelistic Piano Playing ......................... 47 Forsyth, Dr. ....._.................................... 47 Friends of Israel ................... 4 Gospel Art Shoppe ................................... 46 Gospel Light Press .......... 37 Grace Bible Institute ................. 41 Hooker, Gordon ............. 47 50

Aivertisers’ Index

The Dispensations "The Last J u d gm e n t," "Spiritual Blessings in Christ," "The Bible & Science," "The Book of Revelation," "Old Testament Pictures of the Cross," "The Image of Christ Jesus," "The* Holy Spirit," "The Virgin Birth," "Christian Home." All 10 for $3.35 Humberd Press, Box K, Flora, Ind.

EVANGELISTIC PIANO PLAYING You need not know a note of music, yet yoif can learn to play the piono from any hymn book. Send immediately tor this book wnich explains fundamentals of music and piano. This book also includes a section on the structure of the seventh, ninth and eleventh chords; suggestions for embellishments such as: arpeggio, octave runs, broken chords, etc. Send 75c (in coin) to . . . DAVE JOHNSON, 5828 FOOTHILL BLVD., O AK LA N D 5, CALIF.


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