
 gŏđŏ Gagnant d’une structure gonflable Halloween

La Cité collégiale SOIRÉE PORTES OUVERTES 12 novembre 2013, de 17 h à 21 h

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Photo Annie Lafortune

L’équipe d’agents immobiliers Maggie Tessier a livré, la veille de l’Halloween, une décoration gonflable chez Mario Prud’homme, à Limoges. Grâce au concours de ci- trouilles, lancé sur la page Facebook de l’agence Exit d’Embrun, M. Prud’homme a obtenu le plus de ‘‘J’aime’’ et a donc mérité le prix. Chaque année, Maggie Tessier s’investit dans la communauté en lançant, par exemple, divers concours avec un prix comme récompense. On reconnaît, ci-dessus, Stéphane Gauthier, DavidTessier, Mag- gie Tessier, Naomie Lemay, JustinWrigley et Nick Robinson qui entourent le gagnant, Mario Prud’homme, devant la structure d’Halloween gonflable. (AL)

What’s in a name? A lot more than you’d expect. DundeeWealth, now part of Scotiabank, has become HollisWealth. Our advisors still have the freedom to provide you with independent advice like they always have, only now they’re backed by the strength of Canada’s PRVWLQWHUQDWLRQDOEDQN,W¶VWKLVSHUIHFWFRPELQDWLRQRIÀH[LELOLW\DQG stability that proves HollisWealth is more than just a new name.


HollisWealth is a trade name of Scotia Capital Inc., HollisWealth Insurance Agency Ltd. and HollisWealth Advisory Services Inc. Scotia Capital Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. HollisWealth Advisory Services Inc. is a member of the Mutual Fund Dealer Association of Canada and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation. ® Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under license. ™ Trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under licence.

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