

Russell budget review closes in on early approval

Another item that met with general ap- proval from council was maintaining the combined garbage collection fee for home- owners at $179 a year. The fee covers both collection of household garbage for trans- port to the landfill and collection of recyc- lable materials for sorting and storage until they are shipped off to various dealers in bottle glass, newsprint, metal and other re- cyclables. Council will review the second version of the budget during its Nov. 4 committee of the whole session. If no further changes are needed, the final budget could see approv- al at the Nov. 18 regular session of council. While the 2014 budget may receive ap- proval this year, approval of the actual prop- erty tax rate will not happen until before next spring when the tax notices go out in the mail. The final property tax charged to each property owner in the township will include both the municipal portion of the tax levy and also the property taxes that the township has to collect for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell, all of the school districts operating within Russell Township, agencies like the South Nation Conservation Authority, and other provin- cial or regional bodies.


EMBRUN | A little more tweaking and Russell Township’s 2014 budget could be ready for council’s approval well before the year is out. “I think we have a good solution on the table,” said Mayor Jean-Paul St-Pierre at the end of a two-day review session of the preliminary budget report during the final week of October. The budget proposal in the 300-page re- view document called for a 3.48 per cent property tax rate increase. Most of council agreed with that projection. This means a municipal levy of about $9 million to cov- er for all municipal operation and capital works costs next year that are not covered through senior government grants, existing municipal reserve funds, user fees, and other sources of budget revenue. What didn’t get support was a recom- mended 4.82 per cent combined rate in- crease for water and sewer service fees. Council told administration to find a way to reduce that to a two per cent increase at most.

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Poppies from Cadets

Il mord dans l’hiver, non dans votre portefeuille

Photo Candice Vetter

Embrun resident Corey Bourdeau of the 5 th Cyclone Air Cadets was one of the many cadets standing near retailers doorways on November 2 and 3 to sell poppies in remembrance. Remembrance Day ceremonies in the area will be held on Sunday in Casselman and Vars, and Monday in Russell and Embrun. La réanimation cardiorespiratoire (RCR) peut sauver la vie. Par contre, seulement 37% de la population est formée en RCR. C’est pourquoi les Comtés unis de Prescott et Rus- sell ont décidé de continuer de promouvoir la formation en RCR. Le directeur des services d’urgence des comtés, Michel Chrétien, a fait une présentation dernièrement qui compre- nait une analyse relative aux personnes ayant survécu un arrêt cardiaque. Le pourcentage de patients ayant survécu un arrêt cardiaque était de 4,4% en 2005 et de 13,15% en 2012. L’analyse démontre que des membres du public ont tenté la RCR avant l’arrivée des para- médics dans13% des cas. Dans 87% des situations, aucune RCR n’a été tentée. Selon M. Chrétien, le public doit être incité à tenté la RCR avant l’arrivée des paramédics afin que les patients puissent avoir une meilleure chance de survivre. M. Chrétien à suggéré de continuer à développer les programmes de RCR. Un programme de reconnaissance est envisagé par le département afin de souligner l’effort des gens qui ont pratiqué le RCR. Le RCR peut sauver des vies

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