NEOM ETSD Quarterly Report Q1 2024

Q1 2024 Highlights & Progress: - In addition to attending to our day-to-day operations on time (Technical Reviews, Inspections, Commercial Reviews, …), below are some key operational highlights of Q1 2024: - 7 NEOM entities have enrolled in the ISO Certification Program; 3 obtained their certificates while 4 are ongoing. - Our Approved Vendors List (AVL) has expanded, now totaling 1,982 vendors, with 567 new introductions and 78 removals, up from the previous 1,493. - 25 x ISO 9001 Lead Auditors certified to date within NEOM by ETSD. - Successful Energization of Sindalah through a collaborative effort with Projects, ENOWA, EPC, and Contractors. - ETSD representatives maintain a continuous presence on-site to ensure all processes comply with NEOM’s project requirements. - Spearheaded the implementation of the new WBS and cost center structure for 2024, effectively communicating it to all partners. - Developed a comprehensive commercial responsibilities matrix with clear deadlines, optimizing workflow for ETSD and partner teams. - Worked closely with our partners to ensure they are continuously paid on time and service is not interrupted. Goal 4 – Engagement & Support Goal Description: Increase engagement and enhance communication with stakeholders externally and internally. Focus Areas: - Enabling a Quality Culture Across NEOM: ETSD is implementing a multi-pronged approach to enhance quality focus, including achieving ISO certification, training ambassadors, developing quality programs for projects, and fostering a culture of excellence through knowledge sharing and training. - Improved Communication and Awareness: Improve ETSD Portal, develop targeted external communications, and implement a comprehensive communication strategy to improve information flow. - Stronger Relationships: Increase engagement and build stronger partnerships with stakeholders across NEOM through regular meetings, collaboration, and support. - Support Capacity Building and Build Knowledge at NEOM: ETSD is investing in training and capacity building of stakeholders through programs, an academy, and a technical library to improve project quality and contractor/employee knowledge.


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