KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

4. Then we are called to have a tender heart which will give us an openness to others. 5. The last of these attitudes has to do with one's place in the group. We are to be "humble minded." This reminds me of Phil. 2:5-11 speaking of Christ. He did not come to seek His own, but rather seeking the needs of others. He came to become a carpet on which others might tramp so that they could be brought to God. Attitudes by themselves are not really going to do the job. Cod says that actions are doubly im­ portant. Negatively we are not to return evil for evil, or reviling for reviling. It is only human, albiet the old man, wanting to get even. We are not to dish out in kind what others have heaped upon us. On the positive side we are to offer blessing. In Eph. 1:3-14 it speaks of the fact that God has done certain things for us involv­ ing deeds. The word itself, howev­ er, means to speak well or for the good of other people. Only in this way can we expect to receive a blessing from the Lord. The aim of selflessness is de­ scribed in vrs. 10-12. Peter refers to the 34th Psalm. "Loving life" and "seeing good days" speaks of more than just going through our existence enjoying good things. As we look back on life can we real­ ize that things have happened which are God's will and work? Notice our requirements. "Let him refrain his tongue from evil, let him turn away from evil, and let him seek peace." He begins with the negative things and moves to the positive. The first of these has to do with the tongue. We must be careful not to say the wrong

band who has rejected Christ. Peter is saying win them without a word by the way in which you live in subjection to your husband. These first seven verses of I Peter 3 are most significant for wives whose husbands have never professed faith. On the other hand the husbands have two things they are to do in regard to their wives. First of all they are to dwell with them ac­ cording to knowledge. This means to know something about the things that she appreciates, living in the light of them. Then, the hus­ band has an obligation to honor his wife as the weaker vessel. This means giving her a proper place of respect and dignity in every way. This is Cod's second great call that we should be in submission to Him. The purpose is that we might live before the unsaved and bring glory to Cod in our sincere testi­ mony for Christ. SELFLESSNESS In this study we want to consider the theme of selflessness as a part of Cod's grace (I Pet. 3:8-12). There are five attitudes of selflessness de­ scribed in this passage: 1. There should be regard for the group with whom we-are worship­ ing and fellowshiping. The exhor­ tation is to like-mindedness and harmony among fellow Christians. While there may be diversities among us there should never be division. 2. Next comes compassion or sympathy. This is our attitude of concern for others. 3. The third underscores broth­ erly love. Do we accept others who know Christ as brothers in the Lord?

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