KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

Dr. J. Richard Chase


Q. "I told my daughter, who is a born-again Christian, that all have sinned. Yet, she cannot believe that this would be true of tiny in­ fants. I tried to explain, but I can­ not find proof from the Bible. Can you help me with a verse other than Rom. 3:23?" A. You are, of course, right in what you have told your daughter and we commend you for it. Start with Rom. 5:12 which reminds us that because of sin all men must die physically. She will understand that even babies die, some before they are even an hour old. Sin was not part of Cod's original creation. Death was the penalty for disobe­ dience. Sin broke the perfect re­ lationship with God. You see, death has been "passed upon all men because all have sinned." Adam's sin was different from yours and mine. All the human race was po­ tentially, physically, and actually Page 25

Q. Huntington Beach, Calif. "To whom was John referring when he spoke of the four beasts in the midst of the throne and round about the throne (Rev. 4:5)? And why were they called beasts?" A. While the King James does use the word it should be more liter­ ally translated “ living creatures." Whether these are angels we do not know for certain. We find them in the next chapter saying "Amen" and prostrating themselves in wor­ ship before our Lord who lives for ever and ever. These living and re­ deemed ones are important as rep­ resentatives of a great host of peo­ ple who are doing exactly the same thing around the throne. Down through Church history there have been speculations that these four will actually be Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Scripture is not ex­ plicit on this point, however, and we need not be dogmatic.

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