KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

around for centuries and yet with different names. The language of Canaan would be Hebrew. Cod is to show how that these nations of such great animosity will be fin­ ally bound together. Nothing will do it so greatly as language. Re­ member that the making of differ­ ences in language came as a judg­ ment upon man (Gen. 11). Then you ask if we think this will happen soon. That little ad­ verb has many ramifications. It all depends on one's viewpoint. With­ out question we are getting near­ er to the culmination of all things. We are much nearer to the end than most realize. How interesting that nations so obscured through centuries have become alive again. Since World War II there have been more nations born on the continent of Africa than on any of the other four continents. The Assyrians today are those who live in Mesopotamia, generally in the near east region beyond the Euphates. Q. Santa Cruz, Calif. "Militantly, is there any such thing as Christian warfare?" A . It is difficult to know what all may be in the mind of the listener as to the way this is put. We at Biola are not pacifists. We believe we should support our govern­ ment while we may not be alto­ gether in sympathy with what is taking place. Our country has sought to hold back the tide of communism wherever it's satanic ideologies may be forced upon people. The query may concern something in the nature of a holy war, such as the crusades of cen­ turies past. Unfortunately, more harm than good was done. We do believe our warfare is of a spiritual

nature (Eph. 6:10-18). In the Old Testament God commanded the children of Israel to engage in war­ fare. The Canaanites and other sin- infested dwellers of the promised land were to be exterminated. This was God's judgment on those who blatantly worshipped Satan and carried on such defilement that the human race was threatened. It is an interesting thought to remem­ ber that in Ex. 15:3 we read, "The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is His name." Stop to consider that we have the privilege of unfettered access to the Word of God as well as untold spiritual advantages un­ heard of in other areas of the world, because our forefathers thought enough about the truth of God to lay down their lives for it. We should honor and respect them.

Dave Yingling is Supervisor of our Biola printshop. Dave and his staff (Gene Lann and Karen Williams) are doing an excel­ lent job in this area. Page 31

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