KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

are who would seek acclaim for themselves and their own opin­ ions. They neglect the Gospel, turning from the perfect revelation which God has made through Jes­ us Christ. The believer must be convinced totally that the best life is that which the Saviour alone can give. Do you want to know God? The child comes to his parent and says "What is God like?" The only way you can know His love and grace is to look at the person of Jesus Christ. The Lord rightly testified, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; No man cometh unto the Father but me." The world has a vast amount of knowledge. If they miss Jesus Christ, however, they miss that unifying authority which gives the only explanation for the beginning of the universe as well as for man's purpose in being here. We are complete in Him because in Him alone is true wisdom and knowledge. What a great provision we have in the forgiveness of sins. Man has never figured out a way by which he can be relieved of guilt before a Holy God. The Saviour bore that guilt on Calvary. He blotted "out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us" (vrs. 14). Whenever a note had been paid off and thereby canceled it was a custom in that day to nail the note on the door. This indicated that it had been paid. This was ample cause for celebration. You can imagine how we would feel should we ever attain a similar potential of paying our household mortgage. Christ nailed the death of sin, which was carried against us, to the cross. A man is not complete unless he has all parts of his anatomy from

The secretarial aspect of Public Relations is taken care of by Marlene Inlow, Secre­ tary to the Director of Development and Public Relations, Mr. Harold Penrose. head to toe. We could not operate without a body. The Saviour points out that no man is complete unless he recognizes Christ as the One who should have the preeminence. We are to be knit together with Him. In our whole being there is a place in our lives only God can fill. We will be fully equipped only when we receive His Son as our Saviour. It is just like a soldier who is trained and guided so that when he gets into the battle he is com­ pletely qualified to do his part. Jesus comes into our lives to fill that place only He can take. Peo­ ple everywhere are looking for something to satisfy within. True contentment comes not from Page 35

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