KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

nificance of marriage is very im­ portant. It will not guarantee mari­ tal success, however, any more than appreciation of the beauty of roses will guarantee a beautiful flower garden in your own back yard. Hard work, and the constant seeking of God's will, can alone spell success. The husband and wife must work together in a spir­ itual partnership (I Pet. 3:1-7). Un­ der the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Peter, who was married, tells us what our relationship should be. We are joint heirs of the grace of God. Couples may help each other to grow in the Lord, or they may hin­ der that vital progress. Annanias and Sapphira conspired together in an evil act and then met the fa­ tal judgment of God. What if one of them had shown spiritual con­ cern for the other? The story might have been altogether different. How different were the lives of Aquilla and Pricilla who labored as spiritual partners along with Paul (Acts 18:1). As a result they were known as the servants of the Lord. There are many ways by which a husband and wife may help each other grow spiritually. They can and certainly should read the Bible together. They can then apply it to matters which relate to their par­ ticular needs and problems. They

blessings from without. Look at such promises as Josh. 1:8. Joshua, as he lead the people of Israel, was to keep the book of the law al­ ways uppermost in his thinking and speaking. By so doing he was promised prosperity and success. Cod urged daily meditation in the Word and obedience to the truth. This same formula is applicable to us today. God does not change. The Lord promised, "He that abid- eth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit (John 15:5). Are our lives surrendered to His will? Do we experience peace, joy, spiritual prosperity and suc­ cess? Give yourself without reser­ vation to the Lord; seek to be taught by Him and these untold blessings will be yours. SENSITIVITY IN MARRIAGE While marriage is the oldest in­ stitution known to man, it seems to be in great trouble today. The number of divorces begins to ap­ proximate the number of mar­ riages. This is to say nothing of the growing numbers who do not ev­ en bother to enter into the bonds of wedlock. Marriage is actually a heavenly institution (Gen. 2:18). It is an illustration of the holiness and love existing between Jesus Christ — the Bridegroom, and the Bride—the New Testament Church. Appreciation of the spiritual sig­

Biola Broadcaster is an official publication of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary, and is available as a complimentary gift to those Christian friends who regularly share in the ministry of the school by personal moral support, prayer support, and financial assistance. These Christian friends comprise "The Biola Fellowship." For information on how YOU can become a partner in Biola's great ministry simply write: The Biola Fellowship, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.

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