KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

THE GREATEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN MAKE is in the preparation of those who will carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. There would be no missionaries to send, no ministers for churches, no Christian teachers for schools, and no evangelists to proclaim the Gospel unless schools like Biola are maintained to prepare dedicated Christian young people who want to use their talents and their lives in the service of Jesus Christ. With a thorough and practical knowledge of the Bible, Biola graduates take their place as lead­ ers in various fields of service. We invite YOU to make a regular investment in this most important ministry through the Biola Fellowship. (Seecoupononreverse sideof page.) We would also urge you to consider a deferred gift through Biota’s AGREEMENT PROGRAM and/ or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur­ ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE­ MENTS, please send coupon to the Stewardship Department at Biola.

and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh" (Mark 10:7, 8). It goes without saying that mar­ riage, the oldest social institution known to man, is in trouble today. From 1900-1940, there was an in­ crease of 73% of the population of the United States. For the same period the increase in marriages was 121%, while divorces in­ creased 374%. Think what those statistics must be like today. Marriages can be happy and last­ ing. We need to see the worth of marriage as presented in the Word (Eph .5:23-32). If marriage is be­ gun as a lark, it will soon grow stale and crumble. If it is entered into reverently, discreetly and in the fear of Cod, its probability for success greatly increases. Marriage should be basically a heavenly in­ stitution (Gen. 2:18-24). God placed Adam and Eve in a perfect environ­ ment. Everything bore the seal of God's approval (Gen. 1:31). Yet, in spite of being surrounded by par­ adise, man yielded to temptation and sinned. When Adam was pre­ sented Eve, his wife, he com­ mented, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." In Hebrew the word bone was some­ times used to express the idea of selfsame (Gen. 7:13). "Flesh of my flesh" conveys the tender feelings that Adam had for the one who came to him by God's grace and mercy. This further emphasizes the wife's unique role of being a com­ pliment to her husband. The idea for marriage originated in heaven. Christ regarded marriage as a contract finalized by God Himself (Matt. 19:6). It is vital that a per­ son seek God's guidance in the choice of a life partner. Otherwise great tragedy and heartache are

Yes, please send me information concerning THE CHRISTIAN’S WILL and Biola’s AGREEMENT PROGRAM. Mr. Mrs. Miss_______________________________



Send to: Biola College 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Calif. 90638 In Canada: Biola Association of Canada P.0. Box 3013. Vancouver, B.C., Canada

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