KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

soon to ensue. God looks upon a married couple as one flesh. They illustrate the fact that those who are in Christ are one with Him in His body (I Cor. 12:13 and 27). The church is a part of the last Adam, the Lord from heaven, and is very precious to Him (Eph. 5:29- 30). In view of its tremendous bib­ lical significance marriage should be a spiritual relationship between husband and wife. Once a man and woman have grasped that signifi­ cance they can achieve real suc­ cess in marriage, no matter how difficult other things may be for them. In this age of low moral stand­ ards marriage is too often ap­ proached as a trial arrangement. Marriage is sacred, and is to be faced as a lifelong contract. Such a union can be all that God in­ tended only when people look up­ on it as a spiritual relationship as well as a social, emotional and physical relationship. We must stress the importance of seeking God's will concerning the choice of a life partner. May we do our utmost to so live for the Saviour to bring glory to His name. SENSITIVITY AS PARENTS There are many various dilem­ mas and decisions facing all of us through life. Yet, the Lord Jesus Christ gives us the strength and grace to face them victoriously. These are certainly very trying times in life, but especially so for those who are parents. As mothers and fathers there are special perils which we must face. We must rear our children in the nurture and ad­ monition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). This is an age of unrest, tempta­ tion, lawlessness, delinquency, and rebellion. Crime is increasing by

MULTIPLY Your Ministry EXTEND Your Life and Influence through The Biola Fellowship. . . The Biola Fellowship consists of those who share in the ministry of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary through regular prayer sup­ port, moral support and financial assistance. This special group carries a heavy responsibility for God. We proudly call them The Biola Fellowship. Many of these friends have prayed much for Biola through the years. Many have become per­ sonal ambassadors of goodwill for the school. A great host of these same folk havealsosupported Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary with regular financial offerings. Some give $5, $10, $25, and more each month to assist Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary in its great program of Christian edu­ cation. The average Biola Fellowship gift is $3. per month. Naturally, many give more. But, if you can only afford $2 each month (less than 7( a day) you have made a genuine contribution to Biola. Won't you make an investment in educating the young men and women that come to Biola? If you are willing, let us hear from you. Remember, the Biola Broadcaster is a special gift to our Biola Fellowship family. This non­ subscription publication is yours for the asking. I am enclosing $................ for the ministry of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary as my investment this month and I will endeavor to give regularly $ ........— .. Monthly,------ - Quarterly___, Semi-Annually___ Annually.____ We will be happy to send you a packet of envel­ opes ideal for monthly contributions. Mr. Mrs. Miss_______________________________-


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