KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

leaps and by bounds; drug usage is alarming; war is raging! With immorality abounding and violence almost at epidemic proportions, reverence for God is almost an un­ known quantity. Guiding your chil­ dren from the cradle to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, and on to spir­ itual maturity, is a herculian task. The greatest handbook ever written on bringing up children is the Bible. It is as good for this age as it has been for any generation in human history. One very excel­ lent passage is I Sam. 3:11-14. We should expect a servant of God, such as Eli, to be a wise, successful parent. This was not the case. The priestly j'udge of Israel had two sons who were described as the sons of the devil (I Sam. 2:12). While times were certainly peri­ lous in every sense God put the blame squarely on the parents' shoulders (I Sam. 2:29). Here were

two young men who had grown up in the home of a servant of the Lord. Still they knew not God. This was Eli's greatest failure. His sons robbed worshippers, profaned the sacrifices, and lived in immorality, despising the Lord. How sad that those who know the truth fail to bring their own flesh and blood into a personal knowledge of the Lord as Saviour. Parents are ready to give their chil­ dren everything but love and them­ selves. What a reproach to cast on society—children who have never been properly disciplined. This permissive attitude in child rearing has been pathetic. As some­ one has well said, "We have spared the rod and gotten the 'beat' gen­ eration anyway." The problem so often is that we fail to live before our youngsters in a way which is honoring to the Lord. We are too hypocritical, and young people can

It looks like Dave Kovacs (center) is not sure whether or not he enjoys his hamburger! Dave (left) attends Talbot Seminary and is Pastor of Pico Rivera Friends Church. John Hill (right) is a '71 graduate of Talbot. Page 49

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