KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

for battle (vrs. 10,11). What a way to come to older age. Here was a faith in God that excluded all flesh­ ly boasting. Caleb's faith should al­ so encourage us to govern our sunset years. Truly Caleb was one of Cod's spiritual giants. While ac­ companying the spies into Canaan he had opportunity to view the glories of the giants of Hebron (Num. 13:22-23). He was not afraid for he firmly believed in Cod's power to give the victory. For many elderly people the problems of older age are tremen­ dous. Illness, loneliness, limited in­ come and the feeling of useless­ ness are but a few of the things that can plague us. We need to use Caleb's secret in keeping a constant wonderful fellowship in our walk with the Lord. He never allowed God to get out of his mind or life. Caleb's relationship with the almighty is described by the words "I wholly follow the Lord, my God" (vrs. 8 and 9). What could be better than to have the assur­ ance in life that you walked through the years with Cod without any deviation. There had been many obstacles in Caleb's way. There were things that could have discouraged him from walking with Cod. After all, he had been out of step with the majority of the people. What pa­ tience he displayed during the next 40 years. No one likes to wait, but here was a man who trusted the Lord for four decades. Such a path­ way can have wonderful compen­ sations. Caleb wanted Hebron for his inheritance (vrs. 13-15). Caleb's reward was a lovely, fertile moun­ tain of luxurious fruitage overlook­ ing a beautiful valley. Can you think of a more perfect retirement

home. Some Jewish historians be­ lieve that the four patriarch's, Ad­ am, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were all buried in the area of Hebron. Can you just imagine how Caleb treasured the promises of the Lord. He knew he would receive Hebron some day. Caleb kept the prize of his inheritance always before him. So it should be our desire too, that others may see the Saviour in His full beauty and usefulness. When a believer comes to Christ there are various problems which

Mickey Maib is Secretary to Paul Schwep- ker, Vice President Treasurer. Mickey’s husband, Larry, is a graduate of Biola and is on the staff of Orange County Youth for Christ. Page 55

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