The Benefits of Staying Active Even in the Cooler Months! The Benefits of Staying Active Even in the Co ler Months! The Benefits of Staying Activ Even in the C oler Months! h B s of ta in Active ven in the Co ler Months!
venture out in the cold. However, simply stepping outside can have positive effects. Sunlight can act as a natural mood booster, which may even increase motivation to exercise. • Absence of heat/humidity. Too much heat or humidity can sometimes feel suffocating. During colder months, this isn’t an issue. In fact, exercising in the cold can feel invigorating, as the crisp air can increase your energy. You run out of breath easier when it is hot and humid, so when that is taken away, you may be able to work out for longer periods of time. • Immune system boost. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, even just a few minutes of outdoor exposure during the winter can help prevent against both bacterial and viral infections. While cold weather exercise is important, icy walkways unfortunately pose a higher risk of falling and injury. Call us today if you need help staying balanced. We want to help you enjoy the activities you love! venture out in the cold. Howev r, simply stepping outside can have positive effects. Sunlight can act as a natural mood booster, which may ev n increase motivation to ex rcise. • Absence of heat/humidity. Too much heat or humidity can sometimes feel suffocating. During colder months, this isn’t an issue. In fact, exercising in the cold can feel invigorating, as the crisp air can increase your energy. You run out of breath easier when it is hot and humid, so when that is taken away, ou may be able to work out for longer periods of time. • Im une system boost. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prev ntion, even just a few minutes of outdoor exposure during the winter can help rev nt ag inst both bacterial and viral infections. While cold weather ex rcise is mportant, icy walkways unfortunately pose a higher risk of falling and injury. Call us today if you need help staying balanced. We want to help you enjoy the activities you love! venture out in the cold. However, simply ste ping outside can have positive effects. Sunlight c n act s n tural mood b oster, which may even incr ase mo vati n to exercise. • Absence of heat/humidity. T o much heat or hum dity can sometimes f el suffocating. During colder months, this isn’t an issue. In fact, exerc si g in the cold can feel invigorating, as the crisp air can increase your energy. You run ut of breath asier when t is hot and humid, so when tha is taken awa , you may e able t w rk out for long periods of time. • Immune system boost. According to the Centers for Disease C ntrol and Preve tion, even just a few minutes of outd or exposure during the winter can help prevent against both bacterial and v ral infections. While cold weather exerc se is important, icy walkways unfortunately pose a higher risk o falling a d injury. Call us today if you n d help staying b lanced. We want to help you enjoy the act vities y u love! ventur out in the cold. However, simply step ing outside can have posit ve f ects. Sunlight can act s a natural mood b oster, which may even increase motivation to exercise. • Absenc of heat/ umidity. To much heat or humidity can someti s f l suffocating. During colder months, t is isn’t an is ue. In fact, exercising in the cold an fe l invigorating, as the crisp a r can increase your energy. You run o t of breath asier when it is hot and humid, so when tha is aken away, you may be abl to w rk ut f r longer periods of time. • Immune system bo st. Ac ording to the Cent rs for Disease Control and Prevention, even just a few minutes of outd or exposure during the winter can help prevent against both bacterial and viral infections. While co d weather ex cise importan , icy walk ys unfortuna ely pose a hig er risk of falling a d injury. Call us today if you ne d help staying balanced. We want to help you enjoy the activi es you l ve!
Daily exercise is an important part of staying healthy and promoting wellness. It seems easier to get up and exercise when it is warm out, but there is actually evidence to support the benefits of working out in the cold. Depending on the type of workout, exercising in colder weather can actually have amore positive effect on the body than exercising in the heat. According to a study titled “Exercise in the cold,” found in the Journal of Sports Sciences, temperatures hovering around 50° Fahrenheit are optimal for high or moderate intensity workouts. Conversely, low intensity workouts are better performed indoors during colder months, as sufficient metabolic heat may not be generated well enough to offset the cooler environment. Exercise also helps loosen muscles that may become stiff in the winter months. Additional benefits to exercising include: • Sunlight intake. Vitamin D is important! Many people lack Vitamin D in the winter, due to a scarcity of desire to Daily ex rcise is an important part of staying healthy and promoting wellness. It seems easier to get up and ex rcise when it s warm out, but there is actually evidence to support the benefits of working out in the cold. Depending on the type of workout, ex rcising in colder weather can actually have amore positive effect on the body than ex rcising in the heat. According to a study titled “Exercise in the cold,” found in the Journal of Sports Sciences, temperatures hovering around 50° Fahrenheit are optimal for high or moderate intensity workouts. Conversely, low intensity workouts are better performed indoors during colder months, as sufficient metabolic heat may not be generated well enough to ffset he cooler environment. Exercise also helps loosen muscles that may become stiff in the winter months. Additional benefits to ex rcis ng include: • Sunlight intake. Vitamin D is important! Many people lack Vitamin D in the winter, due to a scarcity of desire to Daily exerci e is an important part of staying healthy and promoting wellne s. It s ems asier to get up and exercise when it is warm out, bu there is actually vid nce to support the benefits of working out in the cold. Depending on he type of workout, exerc s g in colder weather can actually h ve amore positive effect on the body than exerc s g in the heat. According to a study itled “Exercise in the cold,” fou d in the Journal of Sports Sci nces, tempe atures hovering around 50° Fahr nheit are optimal for high or mod rate intensity workouts. Conversely, low intensity workouts are better performe indoors during colder months, as sufficient metabolic heat may not be gen rated well enough to offset the c oler environment. Exercise also helps l osen mu cles that may become stiff in the winter months. Add tional benefits to exercis g include: • Sunlight intake. Vitamin D is important! Many eop e lack Vitamin D in the winter, due to a scarcity of d sire to Daily exercise is an importan part of staying healt y and prom ting wellnes . It se ms a ier to get up and exercise when it is warm out, but here is actually evidence to sup ort the benefits of working out in he cold. Dependi g o the type of w rk ut, exercising in colder weather can actually have amore posit ve ef ect on he body than exercising in the heat. Ac ording to a study ti led “Exercise in the cold,” found in the Journal of Sports Sciences, t mp ratures hovering around 50° Fahrenheit are optimal for hig or moderate inte si y work uts. Convers ly, low inte si y work uts are better perfo med indo rs during colder months, as ufficient metabolic heat may not be generated w ll nough to offset the co ler enviro ment. Exercise al o helps lo sen muscles tha m y become stif in the winter months. Ad it onal benefits to exercising i clude: • Sunlight in ake. Vitamin D s importan ! Many people lack Vitamin D in the winter, due to a scar ity of desire to
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