Louisiana Court Monitoring Newsletter May 2023

CURRENT TRENDS For the 2022-2023 grant year, MADD Louisiana has focused on the top five (5) parishes with the highest impaired driving fatality rates in Louisiana ~ Caddo, East Baton Rouge, Jefferson, Calcasieu, and Orleans parishes. Between January 1, 2023 and March 31, 2023, the second quarter of the grant year, the MADD Louisiana Court Monitoring Program Specialist monitored Four Hundred Eighty-Six (486) cases and closed Nineteen (19) cases, and is currently monitoring over 1,000 cases. Additionally, MADD Louisiana's Court Monitoring Program Specialist worked to develop relationships with court staff in these parishes including district attorneys, assistant district attorneys, judges and clerk of court staff who might be beneficial with understanding any trends that may be going on in these courts.

Number of Open Cases By Courthouse

Disposition by Parish

*No disposition collected in Calcasieu Parish during this period.

Disposition of Other Charges

Gender of Defendants

Of the cases monitored during the period:

80% were men 20% were women

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