

Since 2016, Drakenstein Municipality has - in partnership with our residents - made progress towards our vision of becoming a city of excellence. The key facets of our long-term vision are economic dynamism, quality of life for all, a strong well-governed municipality, and financial stability.

Our mission is underpinned by seven Key Performance Areas (KPAs), namely:

Good Governance; Financial Sustainability; Institutional Transformation;

Physical Infrastructure and Services; Planning and Economic Development; Safety and Environmental Management; and Social and Community Development.

Guided by the six values of Transparency, Excellence, Responsiveness, Accountability, Accessibility and Integrity, we have made significant progress, worked hard to keep our promises, and made sure that every Rand goes towards quality service delivery - especially for those who need it most. The hands-on management by a walkabout approach is proving very successful. With a renewed sense of urgency, focus and energy, Drakenstein Municipality will ensure that the needs and challenges of the Drakenstein community are being addressed at an accelerated pace. This is the importance of our Vision 2032. It embraces our community in participatory development, ensuring that requirements and objectives are being met to the highest standards.

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