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Eastern Ontario entered the red zone on Monday, having almost doubled the number of active cases in the region over two weeks. Dr. Paul Roumeliotis told media on Thursday afternoon that the seven-day rolling average, reproduction and positivity rates had taken the region out of the orange zone and into the red. The Ontario government officially announced the decision on Friday. Unlike Ottawa, which entered the red zone within 24 hours of the announcement, Dr. Roumeliotis said the weekend would provide time for businesses to prepare for added restrictions. The biggest changes between orange and red included a drop in indoor dining capacity from 100 people to either 50 or 50 percent of capacity (whichever is lower), as well as indoor gathering restrictions moving from 10 people to five. Sports and recreation facilities indoors moved from 50 people to 10, as did meeting and event spaces. Supermarkets needed to trade at 75 percent capacity, while other retailers were limited to 50 percent, and all team sport except for training was banned. Of the 332 active cases, 205 were vari- ants of concern. Some were linked to the South African variant, but the majority were cases of the mutation first reported in Brit- ain. The variants showed up in 67 percent of new positive cases in the region. &JHIUZGPVSOFXDBTFTXFSF SFQPSUFE JO UIF&0)6PO.POEBZ PGXIJDIDBNF from Prescott-Russell. Dr. Roumeliotis said the rate was alarming, and warned that the region was heading to the grey “lockdown” zone based on recent trends. “Our reproductive number, our positivity rates, our seven-day rolling average are all on the increase, which are not good signs,” he said. “I’m pleading with everyone to please adhere to these guidelines. A lot of these that we see start with gatherings which then spread to the household.” Outbreaks Two outbreaks were reported at the

Le médecin hygiéniste du Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario, Dr Paul Roumeliotis, a déclaré que la région resterait dans la zone rouge jusqu’à ce que les chiffres diminuent. — photo Stephen Jeffery )BXLFTCVSZBOE%JTUSJDU(FOFSBM)PTQJUBM  with 27 patients and five staff members testing positive. Five people have died at UIFIPTQJUBMPG$07*%"DSPTTUIF&0)6  35 people were hospitalized, of whom five were in intensive care. One new death was reported across the region over the weekend. /PPVUCSFBLTXFSFSFQPSUFEBU1SFTDPUU Russell schools, but four student cases were reported at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic )JHI4DIPPMJO3VTTFMM UXPTUVEFOUDBTFT BOEPOFTUBGGDBTFXFSFSFQPSUFEBU.PUIFS 5FSFTB&MFNFOUBSZ4DIPPM JO3VTTFMM POF staff case was reported at École élémentaire QVCMJRVF/PVWFM)PSJ[PO JO)BXLFTCVSZ  and one student case each were reported at École élémentaire catholique de Cas- TFMNBO 1BWJMJPO4U1BVM4UF&VQIÊNJF  École élémentaire catholique Saint-Joseph JO3VTTFMM DPMF JOUFSNÊEJBJSFDBUIPMJRVF JO)BXLFTCVSZ DPMFTFDPOEBJSFDBUIPMJRVF SÊHJPOBMFEF)BXLFTCVSZ BOE1MFBTBOU$PS - ners Public School in Champlain. The region 0G UIF  DBTFT JO UIF &0)6 PO Thursday, 90 were in Prescott-Russell com- munities, including 31 in Russell, 26 in )BXLFTCVSZ  JO$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE  JO&BTU)BXLFTCVSZ JO$IBNQMBJO JO Casselman, 7 in Alfred-Plantagenet, and 1 JO5IF/BUJPO

Une pause-café innocente peut faire plus de mal ȩYƶSRRITIRWI

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