Biola Broadcaster - 1970-11

setting up His own perfect kingdom on earth. The only thing said here about the second kingdom was that it was to be inferior to Nebuchadnezzar’s. This is a striking feature with the transition from gold to silver, from silver to bronze, from bronze to iron, and finally to iron mixed with clay. Note the decrease in worth and weight. The statue could not stand forever because it had a weak and insecure foundation. No Gentile pow­ er would ever be strong enough to control the world’s growing rebel­ lious population. The second kingdom represents the Medes and Persians. This is one realm in actuality. The third king­ dom is identified by name as Greece (Dan. 8:21; 11:2). Greece and Macedonia were combined with the latter ruled over by Alexander the Great and four successors after his death. The fourth kingdom is not identified by Daniel, nor does it bear a name elsewhere in Scripture. Its distinctive feature is strength which is not moral or religious. It is ruth­ lessly destructive in quality (2:40). This we understand to be a picture of Rome. Rome had the reputation of crushing all opposition and re­ sistance with an iron heel. When our Lord was born in Bethlehem, the tramp of Rome’s legions was heard as well as felt throughout the known world (Luke 2:1). For almost 500 years after the death of our Sav­ iour, Rome’s power was known by all. The implied ten toes suggest a kingdom in parts. This in turn cor­ responds to the ten hours of Revela- tian 17:12. What is the clay (v. 43) ? It is mankind in general in contrast to one particular race or nation. Our next study will be the latter part of this very interesting and informative prophecy. C hapter E ight A s we study the image of Daniel, in regard to the fourth king- 12

dom, we have to guard against the wrong conclusion that the ten-toed condition has been reached at some point in past history. It’s true that the Roman Empire was divided into several different kingdoms. (Few agree on the exact number.) There was neither unity nor union between them. They fought among them­ selves These divisions were spread out over a period of several cen­ turies. Here in Daniel the picture shows them existing at one time, formed into one confederation. This last form of Gentile world power exists when the Stone crushes the image (w. 44-45). This portion is clearly the eschatological interpreta­ tion of the dream. This begins the Messianic kingdom on earth. It is truly prophetic beyond our day. God’s kingdom shall never be de­ stroyed (Rev. 11:15). The Stone in the dream is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ. This is one of the many figures of speech used for Him in Scripture. The stone is of supernatural origin (vv. 34, 35) “cut out without hands.” This shows Christ’s miraculous con­ ception and virgin birth (Isa. 28: 16). Our Lord Himself said, “Who­ soever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to pow­ der” (Matt. 21:44). The Stone has A small boy’s reason for David’s vic­ tory over Goliath — “because it was two against one — David and God against Goliath.” When we worry about TOMORROW, we fail in our devotion to TODAY’S duties and so spoil BOTH days. LORD JESUS, THOU ART COMING TO BE MY KING ONE DAY, I OFTEN FEEL LIKE RUNNING TO MEET THEE ON THE WAY.

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