pagan world in Paul’s day were very low. Adultery, fornication and open sin were the order of the day. This refers to any illicit sex life, which was common among even the elite in the Greek and Roman world. The Christian was to be an example be cause he didn’t live in the filth and degradation of the world. We’re liv ing in a similar hour right now. What can be said of Paul’s day should certainly be said of ours. We are to live circumspectly. We’re to take heed to measure up our steps very accurately, making sure they’re exactly ordered by the Word of God (v. 15). This tremendous hour is a day of glorious opportunity for be lievers to win people to Jesus Christ. Let’s back up what we’re doing by a life that is circumspect, pure, true and lived only and wholly unto Jesus Christ. C hapter F our T here is absolutely no hope for man apart from a personal knowl edge of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Once having received Him, we can live victoriously as we are identified with Him in a very real and wonderful manner. It is incum bent upon us to be very careful of our testimony. We need to walk cir cumspectly, filled with the Holy Spir it (Eph. 5:18). More than the new versions of the Bible, we need re vised Christians, patterning their lives after the clear-cut teaching of Scripture. In Ephesians 5:15-17 Paul re minds us to walk circumspectly. We must redeem the time for the days are evil. We must take heed to meas ure our steps very accurately accord ing to the Word of God. To “redeem” in verse 16 means to purchase for oneself. New opportunities face the Christian every day. If not used, they’ll pass us by. Lost opportuni ties can be a source of deep regret 18
for us. Our lives are to be character ized by real perception concerning the will of God as well as complete surrender to the Lordship of Christ. In verse 18, to be “drunk with wine” means to be under the control of some outside power. We are com manded rather to be “filled with the Spirit.” We are to be under His control, surrendering to His authori ty and will. This is not by some mysterious emotional experience. We cannot be dominated by sin and ex perience spiritual power at the same time. All known transgression must be confessed (I John 1:9). This must be sincere, unconditional and without reservation. The Spirit of God maintains a complete respect for the human will. He doesn’t force His control on anyone. He patiently waits for us to obey God’s Word. Walking in God’s love and light is vital to spiritual experience and grow th. This is life the Lord intends for every child of God. Dwight L. Moody pointed out, “There are two ways of being united: frozen together or melted together.” What we need is to be united in brotherly love. The devil is always willing for a person to profess Christianity as long as he doesn’t practice it. These may easily be the last days of the New Testament Church be fore Christ comes to receive us un to Himself. There is a life of joy and happiness bringing us freedom from the worrisome things of life (Matt. 6:25-34). This should characterize every believer in the Lord. Anxiety and care, hurry and worry, are God dishonoring works of the flesh. Christ gives rest from all of these. We’re careful fo r no th ing and prayerful in everything. A medical doctor declared, “Blessed is the man who is too busy to worry in the day time and too sleepy to worry at night.” Vance Havner rightly ob served, “Worry, like a rocking chair, will give you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.” The
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