beginning of anxiety and worry is the end of spiritual faith. On the other hand, the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety. Which is truly descriptive of your life? The believer must live that life free from worry and anxiety. C hapter F ive W here there are so many trials and problems in life, it’s im portant for us to find our complete peace and satisfaction in Christ. Nowhere do we find such encourage ment to this end than in Psalm 37: 1-5. This Psalm was no doubt occa sioned by the same perplexity that fills the hearts of many believers as they look out upon the human scene. We can’t help but see what appears to be inequity and injustice. The wicked always seem to prosper. Why is it that known criminals live lux uriously while missionaries on the foreign field have to subsist on a substandard allowance? This was as
true in David’s day as it is in ours. We are told not to fret which means, in Hebrew, not to be inflamed with anger, jealousy, or envy. It's easy to let these feelings of the flesh arise in our hearts. If these things aren’t yielded to God's con trol, they break out into a blaze which ultimately destroys our peace, testimony, and effectiveness for the Lord. Don’t make deductions about the seeming prosperity or success of the wicked. There’s coming a day when everything is going to be weighed in the balances and made right. You see, time is simply the school which gets the believer ready for eternity. Who envies a hog when it wins all the blue ribbons ? There’s a time ahead when it will go to the slaughter house. D eath certainly doesn’t end everything. It brings the prosperity of the wicked to its end (v. 2). Look also at passages such as Luke 2:29 and Acts 7:59, and II Timothy 4:6-8. The difference is in the place where a person goes after he dies. One who has not re-
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Leaders at the Arizona Bible College include (I. to r.) Ervin Estrufh, Dean of Students, David Yeung, Registrar, Vincent Morris, Executive Director, and Vernon Doerksen, Academic Dean. The scheel is located in Phoenix, Arizona. 19
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