Biola Broadcaster - 1970-11

such verses as I Corinthians 14:37. Paul can rightly claim inspiration for the things he writes, not only to the people in Corinth, but also to those in other churches, as well as to individuals. Remind your friend of Revelation 22:19. Q. Santa Monica, Calif. — “II Timo­ thy 2:13 confuses me every time I read it, ‘I f we believe not, yet He abideth faithful: He cannot deny himself.’ Could you please explain it?" A . This entire section emphasizes the faithfulness of God. It is not of little concern that we trust Christ. The “we” of the New, Testament Epistles practically always has ref­ erence to born-again believers. It does not refer to believing for our salvation. But, if after having re­ ceived Christ, we begin to question some things concerning God’s Word or actions, yet the Lord still abides faithful. God is going to keep His children secure whether they believe it or not. God cannot deny himself. Anyone who trusts Christ will be saved. That’s settled once and for all. After this, if one has questions, wavering about some matter, though at times he may doubt, the Lord will not take away the promise of eter­ nal life. God will abide faithful even if man doesn’t. Any less would be denying Himself. He will never go back on His Word. Q. Phoenix, Ariz. — "Is there any place in Scripture where it tells a wife or a husband to choose your next mate at the grave?” A . No, there certainly isn’t. The sug­ gestion doesn’t even seem like practi­ cal counsel. The best thing to do in a time of personal bereavement is to lean heavily upon the Lord; seek His guidance and direction. Any other course of action would be ex­ tremely dangerous.

Q. Walla Walla, Wash. — "Why, in Revelation 7:6, where it tells the number of children of Israel who are sealed, does it leave Dan out and put in the tribe of Manasses?” A . The number of the children of Israel who will be sealed is 144,000. While there is no final answer for this, there are several possibilities. In Genesis 49, where Jacob is giv­ ing the prophetic history of his twelve sons in verse 16, he finally comes to Dan. The word in Hebrew means “to judge.” The portion indi­ cates that Dan is in some way con­ nected with satanic activity. The book of Judges reveals that Dan went seeking further territory which the Lord had not decreed to them. Because of greed, this was one of the first tribes to go into idolatry which they saw in this area. However, in the last chapters of Ezekiel, 45-48, Dan is mentioned in the different divisions of the land among the oth­ er tribes. So he is not completely or permanently left out, but apparently restored. Q. Wichita, Kans. — "A friend be­ lieves that a soul and a body are the same. I can’t agree with her. Can you help me with some Scripture? She thinks the soul sleeps with the body until judgment day.” A . Nowhere in Scripture is there any indication that the soul and the body are one. There are those who believe that the soul and the spirit are one. This is from a doctrinal point of view. Some of the cults hold to what is known as “soul sleep.” To believe this is to deny Paul’s clear words that “to depart and be with Christ is far better.” When a Christian dies, his soul or spirit goes directly to be with the Lord. The body may be in the tomb or some other resting place. As for the unbeliever, his body also goes to the grave while his soul goes to hades 27

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