awaiting the final judgment. When Jesus comes again, the dead bodies will be raised. As saved ones, we will be given resurrection bodies fashioned like unto His glorious body (Phil. 3:21). Our spirits will be reunited with these resurrection bodies and we will all be together with the Lord (I Thess. 4:13-17; I Cor. 15:50-58). Q. Palo Alto, Calif. — “Will you tell me if the angels have wings?" A. Wings are used in Scripture both symbolicly (Psa. 17:8, Mai. 4:2), and literally. Angels are created be ings who can embody themselves and be seen of men as we discover in the Old Testament. In Exodus 25:20, we note that the cherubim have wings. This is the manner in which they appeared on the ark of the covenant. They are a form of angelic existence. There is a wonderful or der among angels, according to Scripture. In Isaiah 6:6 it is clear that the seraphim also have wings. Daniel speaks of the angel Gabriel who “flew swiftly unto me.” It would appear in the light of all this that some angels at least do have wings. But, please, this is not true of the believer when he gets to heaven. We will never become angels. The resur rection body of our Lord Jesus didn’t have wings. If we’re going to be like Him we won’t either. Q, Santa Barbara, Calif. — “Every time Dr. Sutherland says there will be no babies in heaven , he neglects to give the Scripture reference for such a statement. Will people keep on growing after death before reach ing heaven? This would make many extremely old people there, wouldn’t it?" A. The reason for a lack of Scrip ture on the first point is that it is a personal conviction. The Bible 28
Compand to tho former Biola facilities in down town Los Angelos, now the Biola Hotel, tho spacious dormitories of tho 75-acro campus in La Mirada are a welcome sight to now and returning students.
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