doesn’t make any clear statement on this matter. This doesn’t mean that babies won’t be in heaven. If they die in infancy, it is our belief that they immediately may become mature, able to know even as also they are known. This is the sense in which we make such a statement. Many of these opinions are deduc tions from the general consensus of Scripture. In the final analysis we will have to wait until we get to heaven for the final answer. Simi larly, there’s no indication that a person grows older in heaven. We will rather be eternally young and mature. Q. Salem, Ore. — “In Hebrews 1:1, 2 it says that God through Christ made the worlds. Does this mean that Lucifer, the highest angel, when cast out of heaven as Satan, chose which world he would take over to rule so that these others may be free from sin?" A. There’s nothing in the Bible that indicates the devil had any choice after his insurrection out of pride whatsoever (Isa. 14, Ezek. 28). God cannot suffer pollution or sin of any kind in His presence. Check the read ing from Hebrews to which you re ferred. The actual translations would not refer to the world but to spe cific time periods. It’s certainly true that the Trinity created all things, but this has something else in view. God made the eras, epochs, and what would transpire in them. This in cludes what we refer to as the dis pensations. God used the fullness of time to bring forth the Lord Jesus Christ. The creation of all the stars and planets is recorded in Colos- sians 1. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. — “Psalm 83:6 makes me wonder i f God berathed creatively all the hosts of heaven into existence?"
BIOLA STANDS F IRM h r CHRIST m l HIS WORD in this day of crisis and compromise. Since the founding of the Bible institute, in 1908, until this day, BIOLA has stood firm for the spirit ual and moral principles which we believe the Word of God reveals to us. We are determined to remain faithful to Jesus Christ, and to the Word of God, in doctrine and in practice until that day when our Lord will call His Church from the earth to be with Him forever. We invite YOU, as a donor, to stand firm with us for the Lord in the preparation of dedicated young people who want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in whatever field of service He might lead them, lead them. YOU can have a regular part with us through the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP (see the reverse side of this page). YOU can also share with us through a deferred gift in your W ILL and/or through BIOLA'S AGREEMENT PROGRAM. Please send coupon below for further information. Yes, please send me information concerning THE CHRISTIAN'S W ILL and BIOLA'S AGREEMENT PRO GRAM. Mr. Mrs................................................................................................................................... Miss Address .................................................................................................................... State........................................................................... Z i p ...................................... Send to: BIOLA SCHOOLS & COLLEGES, INC. <3800 Biola Ave., la Mirada, Calif. 90638 In Canada: BIOLA ASSOCIATION OF CANADA P.0. Box 3013, Vancouver, B.C., Canada 29 City ..............................................................................................................................
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