A . Notice that there are three heav ens in Scripture. The first is the cloudy atmosphere of the earth. The second refers to the starry firma ment. The third is the very throne of God. Yes, He did breathe crea tively all the host of heaven into existence. It’s as though He simply whispered and worlds came into be ing according to His infinite will and plan. To think anything else is to limit the power of an infinite God. Q. Jacksonville, Fla. — “Would you explain I Peter 3:3? Does this mean that a woman should not ‘plait’ her hair?” A . Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is writing to godly, Christian wives of the first century. In modern times, braiding of the hair is done by many godly women. This wasn’t the case in Peter’s time when there was so much parapher nalia connected with it. It was all involved with intricate design to at tract attention to oneself. That prin ciple is valid today. A woman doesn’t necessarily show godliness when she uses no makeup at all. But, on the other hand, there are extremes in the other direction. Let your dedicated personality for the Lord dominate your life. The cosmetics can be put on later. Do all of these things to glorify Christ, not yourself. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. — “Please ex plain Romans 8:18-19. As I under stand it, we who compose the true church are to judge even the angels .” A . We find in this passage that there has been a groaning of all creation as it waits its ultimate glory, since sin entered the world. John Calvin, the reformation theologian, though he suffered so much physically be fore he died, could say as life's clos ing testimony the words from Ro mans 8:18, “I reckon that the suf ferings of this present time are not
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